Grounded Wiki

Black Ant Eggs are a resource obtained from Black Worker Ants only after they've dropped it on the ground in the Black Anthill. Alternatively, they can be taken directly from the egg chamber, deep within the Anthill.

When a Black Ant Egg is created, it will have a timer with 3 segments. Each segment represents 8 in-game hours. The eggs timers starts with one segment already filled, leaving 16 hours. Regardless of if it is on the ground or in an inventory, once the timer has finished, the egg will be destroyed and a Black Worker Ant or Black Soldier Ant will be spawned from it.

Black Ant Eggs will only spawn when the total number of Black Ants across the entire Backyard has not reached its maximum, including the Black Ants in the Shed Surroundings. More eggs are produced the lower the population is.




Item Materials Station
1 Black Ant Egg Black Ant Egg
2 Salt Shard Salt Shard
2 Algae Algae


  • Black Worker Ants will return any Black Ant Eggs found outside of the Anthill.
    • This applies to all player storage spaces as well as a fallen player's backpack.
