Grounded Wiki
New Game+ New Game Plus!
This article contains content only accessible in New Game+ mode.

Broodmother Infused Ooze is an resource obtained exclusively from from harvesting the remains of the Hedge Broodmother in New Game+. It has a guaranteed chance to drop in New Game+1, with it dropping an extra one in NG+2 at a 50% chance, another in NG+3 at a 75% chance, and extra ones at a guaranteed chance in NG+4, NG+5, and NG+6.

It is used in the Yoking Station and an alternate recipe for Fusion Crystals.



Material Resources[]

Item Materials Station
Fusion Crystal
Fusion Crystal
3 Broodmother Infused Ooze Broodmother Infused Ooze
3 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

Storage & Utilites[]


Item Materials Station
Yoking Station
Yoking Station
5 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
5 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly
1 Broodmother Infused Ooze Broodmother Infused Ooze
Crafted in World
