Grounded Wiki

PlayerIconMax "A Buster Cap Gun!"
PlayerIconMax "A Buster Cap Gun!"

PlayerIconPete "Look at that. A Buster Cap gun. My mom never let me have one. Pew pew!"
PlayerIconPete "Look at that. A Buster Cap gun. My mom never let me have one. Pew pew!"

PlayerIconWillow "Oh my, what in the world? It's just a toy... it's just a toy...The caps might be useful for something."
PlayerIconWillow "Oh my, what in the world? It's just a toy... it's just a toy...The caps might be useful for something."

PlayerIconHoops "It's a toy gun. I was worried for a second that it was real. Maybe it has some use."
PlayerIconHoops "It's a toy gun. I was worried for a second that it was real. Maybe it has some use."

The Buster Cap Gun is a landmark located under the left-most section under the shed, behind a large bag of fertilizer. The landmark serves as a location to gather a large amount of Gunpowder Clumps.


  • This landmark is notable for having the only Green Shield Bug spawn directly next to it prior to the 1.0 release.
