Grounded Wiki
Grounded Wiki
Spoiler Spoiler!
This article contains potential story spoilers for Grounded.

Data Items encompasses all non-gameplay collectible items picked up by the player. This includes notes, audio logs, quest items, and even the SCA.B itself. This page contains both transcripts and locations of all data items.

For a list of all SCA.B Schemes, see SCA.B Flavor Schemes
For a list of all BURG.L Tech Chips, see BURG.L
For a list of all Landmarks, see Landmarks
For a list of all Creature Cards, see Creature Cards


A New Idea[]

Audio Log 2
AUG 31, 87

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science Division, Log 87.08.31c.

Today's GLU.ON trials were a complete failure. Apparatus destroyed. No useful test data. Perhaps Dr. Klein was right.

Another year's research down the drain. I had felt so sure of it!

For my sake, I need success, but nothing is working. Not the GLU.ON, nor the SCA.B. Not even the confounded napkin bags!

But what if I revisited an older project? Hm... hm... no... no definitely not. Perhaps... no. Wait! That's it! The shrink machine!

Initial explorations had been promising before Hubert put the kibosh on it.

I could set it up in the basement. If I showed that it worked, surely they could not argue with results...

It's worth a try. What do I have to lose?

Location Inside the Field Station behind the Trash Heap.

Prototype Complete[]

Audio Log 2
DEC 19, 87

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science Division, Log 87.12.18. [pause] 87.12.19.

It's past midnight now, but the covalent space reducer prototype is complete. Otherwise known as the shrinking machine. I've dubbed it the SPAC.R.

I should get some rest, but the kids are already asleep. Trudy's given up and gone to bed, and I'm eager to find out if all these months of work were worth it.

Everything should be sound, but you never know until you flip the switch. Glorious WENDELL:
well, here goes nothing.

[explosions, terrible disasterous results]

Supplemental log. Complete failure. Oh, why do I even try. I'll clean this mess up in the morning.

Location Inside a Fresh Mint container in the Trash Heap inside the tipped can against the wall of the can behind a paper plate.

SPAC.R Operational[]

Audio Log 2
DEC 23, 87

Supplemental log: Ominent Practical Technologies, Tully- whatever, I'll sort it later!

The important thing is that I have done it! SUCCESS. The SPAC.R has worked it's magic!

I have successfully shrunk a set of basic plastic, polyhedral dice from the size of standard dice to no bigger than the size of... well much smaller dice.

BURG.L, make a note to come up with a better comparison.


Nonetheless, this is a complete exoneration!

However, it occurs to me that I have a new problem. The dice were intended to be young Thor's Christmas present... he will be disappointed.

But perhaps I can convince him that they were miniature dice.

The tiny instructions might be a bit of a giveaway. A new solution may be required.

To the Fun Pit Toymart before they close!

Location On a battery behind a paper plate at the back of the tipped trash can in the Trash Heap.

Endless Possibilities[]

Audio Log 2
MAY 29, 88

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science Division, Log 88.05.29g. Or is that "h"? "H" for safety.

Final evaluation test of the SPAC.R are going well, though I have noticed some minor errors in transcription where a non-trivial number of particles are not being conserved.

I have observed no ill side effects, but making a note to check that later.

Making a note!

I'm still annoyed by Dr. Klein's attitude at the barbecue when I confided in him about my success.

He was arrogant as always! Dismissing my breakthroughs in covalent spacing reduction. Questioning the very use of shrinking technology!

What a ridiculous lack of vision. World hunger, overpopulation, global warming! Just the tip of the iceberg.

Location In a skeleton located in the Sandbox, in the footprint near the zipline that connects it to the Picnic Table. It takes the form of a Buried Treasure.

Recognition At Last![]

Audio Log 2
JUN 23, 88

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science Division, Log 88.06.23a.

Finally, my genius is recognized! My Ominent minders have requested a demonstration of the SPAC.R.

I do wonder how they even found out about it... No doubt it was the loose lips of that blabbing Klein.

But perhaps his indiscretion has worked in my favor in this instance, and I will have the last laugh.

Once Ominent sees what I have accomplished here, I will prove that their many years of investment in me was not a mistake. How it will feel to have them watch me in my moment of triumph. This is what I have been working towards my entire career.

Recognition, at last.

Location Inside a crushed pink and yellow can near the front of the tipped trash can in the Trash Heap.

Yet Another Failure[]

Audio Log 2
JUL 1, 88

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science Division. Log 88.07.01.

First test demonstration of the SPAC.R. Director Dalton Schmector in attendance.

Begin recording.

Everyone, thank you for coming. Today, I will show you nothing less than a quantum leap forward in technology. This is the SPAC.R.

It is a machine that has the power to shrink any object times over, unleashing the power of the miniature world!

Now, I am sure that some of you will be skeptical.

But I have no doubt that a demonstration of this device will show you a vision of the future. Of Ominent's future. Of our future.

Now if you will all put on your PEEP.R goggles, I'll begin the demonstration. Behold: the future!

[disappointing sound of mechanical failure]

Everyone, please stay in your seats! This is a minor issue, I assure you. Just give me a moment. I can fix this. I can fix this!

Location Inside a Billy Hog tray in front of the Sandbox leaning against a trash bag in the outskirts of the Trash Heap.


Audio Log SPAC.R
SEP 15, 88

Ominent Practical Technologies, Dr. Wendell Tully, Science—

Scratch that. Dr Wendell Tully, Ph.D. At least they can't fire me from that!

My years of work on the SPAC.R mattered little to Ominent. The project was shut down and I was shown the door.

And yet Kaminski still works here... and he's an idiot.

I've been reduced to substituting at the local school.

How many times can one person be expected to explain the difference between a vector and a scalar?

If it has direction, then it's a scalar! I mean a vector!

I swear the ignorance around me is contagious. Does their normal teacher do anything?

No wonder my inventions cannot be appreciated. Our society no longer understands science.

Location In the tipped trash can in the Trash Heap inside a Styrofoam cup slightly outside the can.

An Auspicious Beginning[]

Audio Log SPAC.R
JAN 4, 89

I've thought around this in circles for days now, and I've come to a decision. It's time to restart SPAC.R development.

Ominent may not believe in it, but I know its potential. Though I must figure out how to return shrunk objects to their original size.

The first step will be to address the particle transcription errors.

It seems almost certain that the irregularities are responsible for the failure during the demonstration.

BURG.L, please bring up all lab data about the unknown particles.

Happy to be of service. Notes will be prepared and delivered to your table in... four hours or less.

Four hours? What are the chances for "less"?

Delivery estimate will be prepared in two hours or less.

An auspicious beginning.

Location In the Field Station near the Chop Can.

Raw Science[]

Audio Log SPAC.R
MAR 10, 89

I have isolated the source of the particle irregularities. They appear to be a byproduct of the shrinking process.

If I adjust the machine to account for their existence, it should be the key to the de-shrinking--expanding--process.

BURG.L, please bring up the readings for the irregular covalent SNPI-42Z particle traces.

That name is going to get tiresome.

And while you're at it, rename all references to the irregular covalent SNPI-42Z particle to... [thoughtful pause] raw science.

Order received. Raw science identified. Does it require cooking, flipping, or grilling?

None of those. Categorization.

That answer is not permitted, according to health code standards governing the handling of raw food items.

Location In the first room of the Oak Lab sitting on a desk in the front of the room.

Embiggen Test 45[]

Data Note
JUL 1, 89

Category Non-Organics
Date: 07.01.09
Time: 07:31 AM
Cell Volume: 0.000648524 mL
SPAC.R input: 914.32 mW
Subject: A box of SCA.B devices
Location: Tully Back Yard
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
After successful miniaturization of a single, complex electronic device (Test 44), Test 45 will attempt to shrink on full box of the devices. Upon embiggening, subjects will be inspected and tested to ensure proper functionality.

Failure. Miniaturization successful, but embiggening and further testing is impossible at the moment. Subject was confiscated by a curious honey bee. Recovery unlikely. Box obliterated. Minatare SCA.Bs are certainly stuck in every nook and cranny of the yard.

Location In the Oak Lab in the hallway that connects the first room and the room BURG.L is in sitting on a desk in the corner.

Embiggen Test 50[]

Audio Log SPAC.R
JUL 17, 89

One success after another! I have returned BURG.L to his original size!

It appears that my new Raw Science containment field is working at 99% effectiveness!


Right, BURG,L, right.

[clear throat] However as BURG.L indicates, there is some minor, insignificant Raw Science leakage. A note for another time.


But I see no reason to put off human trial.

I believe there should be no issues... but audentes fortuna iuvat! I am ready to prove my creation's full potential!

End recording.

BURG.L... I'd like to record some messages for my family, in case things don't go as planned.

Location In the server room in the Oak Lab on a desk against the window.

I'm Tiny![]

Audio Log SPAC.R
AUG 5, 89

I was a fool to have ever doubted myself! A fool like Klein, like Kaminski, like Schmector, like all of Ominent!

I am here in the backyard. Down in the backyard. I mean, I am speaking to you from the backyard! I am tiny!

I should gather my thoughts. This is a momentous occasion.

Wendell Tully Official Log. 89.08.05. Recording as I take my first steps into the miniature world.

The grass! Even common lawn grass looks like a structure from a alien world. Wait... what's that sound? The very earth is trembling!

Over there! What could it be... An ant! My god... today... the world has changed forever.

Location In the middle platform on the Mysterious Machine.

Embiggening Logistics[]

Data Note
AUG 6, 89


Work continues on logistics of embiggening organic material. There are so many factors that elude us still! If there's one thing I do know, BURG.L, it's that I need that sweet, sweet java flowing. Brain bad when sips stop.


Location In the Field Station on the Picnic Table.

SPAC.R Safety Test[]

Data Note
AUG 8, 89

Category SPAC.R Safety Test
Date: 08.08.09
Time: 01:54 PM
Cell Volume: 0.000648524 mL
SPAC.R input: 914.32 mW
Subject: A box of SCA.B devices
Location: Tully Back Yard
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Power fluctuations are within and acceptable range. The machine itself continues to operate as expected. Weatherproofing of the platform components is holding up quite well.

The pylons, however, are a finicky trio. Maintaining the beam angles requires regular obstruction removal. The yard is simply too alive for precession instruments. Oh, Euclidean space, you fickle mistress.

Reminder: Check the Embiggening Cell diagnostic before end of day protocols.

Location In the Field Station at the start of the game.

Lab Modules[]

Audio Log 1
AUG 10, 89

This morning I installed the "borrowed" lab modules. Another of my forgotten inventions of the early days. I had such grand notions back then.

The Kinderscience Miniquik Little Chemist Lab educational lab for children.

But, "No, Wendell... we can't possibly put hydrochloric acid into the hands of children. The lawyers will never agree!"

[laughs] it's a good thing I never told them about the Bunsen burners!

Odd that ominent has been using my toy pieces in this way. Hmm...

I digress. The lab network is now up and running in the backyard. I'm planning to dedicate each of them to a different function.

Main power will run through here, the oak lab, as the center of operations for the backyard.

The second lab is nestled into the hedge. Such wonderful views from up there.

Side note, I'm worried Ominent's shoddy manufacturing of the lab pieces will cause them to fall apart over time, but they will do for now.

Location In the battery room locked behind a Biometric Scanner in the Oak Lab.

A Little Exhausted[]

Audio Log 1
SEP 15, 89

Now let's review the progress of the last few months. I am getting ever closer to perfecting the SPAC.R.

Raw science containment has been a success.

At last measurement, we are within 0.2% translation accuracy, but those final, infinitesimal bits have proven the most difficult.

Despite that, BURG.L and I have been able to transit the miniature world without incident.

I must admit it has been a bit overwhelming at late.

Between school, grading papers, nightly work in the yard, and this sweltering summer heat, I feel stretched thin.

Some nights I find myself too exhausted to work on my experiments.

[laughs] All this is going to give me gray hairs! Why just the other day, Trudy said that the stress is putting wrinkles on my face.

She may have a point about the hair though... as much as I am loathe to admit it, it does seem to be thinning.

Perhaps it time to dig out the Sketti Clamp and try it on myself. I'm sure it's in a bin or box around here somewhere.

Location The Broken Outpost on the floor of the Hedge.

Kaiju Children[]

Audio Log 3
SEP 1, 89

The Kinderscience lab modules have not held up as well as anticipated.

I though hiding these lab units in the hedge would provide a bit of protection from my rampaging children...

But it appears not even the sanctuary of these leaves can protect my work from an errant Flingman disc.

The subsequent breaches in the lab structures have invited all manner of arachnid invaders to wander in.

My plan is to recalibrate the TAYZ.T bots for defensive action.

A stopgap solution, to be sure, but I've no time for repairs, not when I'm this close to unlocking the mysteries of Raw Science!

Location In the Field Station located in the Hedge.

Spider Infestation[]

Audio Log 3
SEP 4, 89

For so long I have felt taunted by the spiders of the yard.

Climbing, crawling, skittering with the greatest of ease.

Oh and how they delight violating my workspace.

I can't take a single step without getting stuck in their confounded webbing.

I'm wasting daylight running, climbing... surviving.

Traversing this broken lab... the entire yard for that matter, has become untenable.

But perhaps the spider friends hold the key to my problems.

Location A outpost in the upper branches of the Hedge.

Zip It[]

Audio Log 3
SEP 7, 89

Today, Trudy asked, or rather, insisted I take a break from my work for a family day.

I'll admit, the argument preceded my reluctant agreement was one for the ages.

She just doesn't understand how important this work is.

But in the end all was not lost! As fate would have it, our little trip to Stormin' Beaches Wavepark has given me fresh inspiration!

A particular attraction sported a zip-line over a undulating pool filled sunbaked tubers.

Basking in the light of the cruel sun that baked them like red, red raisins.

But I digress. It was the zip-line that captured my imagination. Such a elegant solution to my problem in the hedge.

When we got home, it was straight back to work! ...after another argument, of course.

Location A outpost near the Hedge Lab.


Data Note
SEP 20, 89

Surveyor System Reboot: Test 01
Date: 09.20.89
Time: 2:10 AM
Location: Hedge Observation Unit
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
Frequent SPAC.R use is putting a drain on cell volume supplies. Recalibrate the surveyor system to focus on needed components. Save new location profile and upload to TAYZ.T units 009 and 017 for extraction.

Failure. Numerous system errors. Unknown interference during the scanning process. Likely radio waves of some sort.

Possible Sources
1- Neighbor, Bill Henderson.

2- The kids. Inspector Hackit Walkie-Talkie set

3- Ominent?


Location In the small Ominent Outpost that activates the Resource Surveyors, located near the Apricop Punch-O in the upper sections of the Hedge.

Damage Control[]

Audio Log 3
SEP 21, 89

Early test runs on the zip-line system have produced mixed results.

Prices on steel cable are ridiculous, so I have been forced to proceed with my original idea: spider thread.

I'm using web samples from my unwanted guests... with a few clever alterations, of course.

Things were going well until Sarah threw yet another toy into the hedge! I swear that the lost city of Atlantis might be found beneath the roots of this blasted bush!

I told them both. No baseballs, no Flingman disks... no more throwing!

[inhales deeply] I'll need to find another way to strengthen the zip lines. And I've forrbiden the children from playing in the yard... temporarily of course.

Dinner will be... I would say, awkward, I suspect.

Location Near the main console of the Hedge Lab on a desk next to it.


Data Note
SEP 22, 89

Surveyor System Reboot: Test 13
Date: 09.22.89
Time: 2:10 AM
Location: Hedge Observation Unit
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
Increased radio wave interference in the yard. Isolating a single source unsuccessful. Interference uses a broad, roving spectrum of frequencies. Wrote code to alter surveyor frequency every five seconds keeping it hidden from this mysterious static.

Success. Surveyor system reboot complete. TAYZ.T units not used for guard duty have received the profile upload are currently in route to their harvest targets in the yard

1- TAYZ.T units used for field acquisition are showing increased signs of wear and tear, rust being the most prevalent.

2- Nineteen unknown radio signals were spotted during the reboot process. Points of origin were not at fixed locations. That rules out the kids and Mr. Henderson. All signs point to Ominent.

3- Increasing security protocols in all lab facilities. Installing biometric scanners where needed.

Location In the small Ominent Outpost that activates the Resource Surveyors, located near the Apricop Punch-O in the upper sections of the Hedge.

Project ZIP.P[]

Audio Log 3
OCT 11, 89

Slowly, my torments come together into one ingenious solution!

After trying countless materials, I've finally found something to fix my zip line problem!

While the bonding formulas were complex to say the least, I've successfully fused the web ropes with Raw Science!

Once again it proves to be the key! The new ropes are miraculously soft but have the tensile strength of forged steel!

I've dubbed my newest creation... ZIP.P Fiber.

Just think of the practical application!

Dental floss!

Only something without gums would suggest that.

This is not some trifle to pick parsley between trips to the periodontist.

I'll take your word for it, Dr Tully!

Location In the room holding a Resource Analyzer in the Hedge Lab.


Audio Log 3
OCT 29, 89

It is likely that this will be my last log from the Hedge Lab.

Regrettably, the spider infestation has only worsen.

Last night, I had a close encounter with a giant Brood Mother that shook me to my core.

Couple that with the strange radio signals I've been receiving... and I no longer think this facility is safe.

[dial tone]


BURG.L here. Can I start you off with a Double-Charred Barbarian Bacon Burger? It's made the Roby's way.

BURG.L, initiate evacuation protocols for the Hedge Lab.

Make sure any remaining biometric scanners and passcodes are encrypted in the mainframe.

Is that really necessary sir?

Yes. Oh yes. Absolutely necessary.

We're being watched.

Location In the final room of the Hedge Lab.

Pond Research Note[]

Data Note
NOV 3, 89

As we sit perched in the cliff face down here, away from the street noise and pervasive fauna, it seems we can do some real long term, undisturbed work.

The majestic sanke koi lives the same day over and over; sucking up morsels from here and there, depositing waste wherever. The rest of the creatures swim to and fro and play their part as well, eating and being eaten. Reproducing, growing, dying, all in this pond microcosm. We could harness this cycle and put it to use. A meeting of aquaculture and hydroponics in a natural, nearly microscopic setting could be but one step on the path to solving the hunger crisis!

I've begun drawing up schematics for a kind of turduckened aquaponics-inspired lab setup on the deep pond substrate where we can just tap into the natural systems already at play, with a few enhancements of course,

I'll task BURG.L with running simulations shortly, assuming he can muster up the RAM for it.

Location In a small Ominent Outpost located in the western part of the Koi Pond. It is accessible through a hatch on the ceiling of the Pond Depths. It is located in this outpost.

Great Cabbage of Belgium[]

Audio Log 3
NOV 11, 89

Each member of the Tully family--excepting yours truly--looks at Brussels sprouts, the great cabbage of Belgium, with utter disdain.

Within it's densely packed leaves: a high powered nutrient boost in a miniature form factor. And yet mealtime after mealtime it is recklessly cast aside!

Well, more for me. The body knows when it's lacking something

Funny that it doesn't tell the mind why, though.

But I've taken the hint, and I'll do those brilliant horticulturalist of Belgium one better.

You see, these little morsels are a prime candidate for experimentation in my new submersible multifunction lab.

A closed loop system complete with a retractable solar dome. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Dr. Tully, it's almost time for your appointment.

Already? Eh, the joys of getting older. Trudy pushed me to go see a doctor after she remarked that I look like a plate of wet ham.

Very well, mustn't be late and keep Dr. Applebaum waiting.

Location On a table in the room that turns on the breakers in the Pond Lab.

Side Effects[]

Audio Log 1
NOV 18, 89

Dr. Applebaum has pronounced me in perfect health... for a man twenty years my senior!

I must face the facts... the gray hairs, the wrinkles. They are not figments of the imagination.

I can draw only one reasonable conclusion: it is the elusive, fractional errors of the shrinking process which are the cause.

Trudy has asked that I discontinue my experiments... but what choice do I have? If I quit now, I will have nothing.

What will I be other than a failed inventor and scientist with no discoveries to his name, unable even to teach the basic of physics to a gaggle of hormonal teenagers. No!

If this means that I must sacrifice twenty years of my life... so be it.

Location On a desk against a window in the room with the console that unlocks the rest of the Pond Lab.

HAMS Test: Day 1[]

Data Note
NOV 21, 89

Initial diagnostics indicate that everything is in working order and ready to begin the brussels sprouts live testing phase using the automated hydroponic, aquaculture... microphonics system, er–HAMS, I suppose, going forward. BURG.L's task of cultivating the biodome mycelium network seems to have not been a complete failure and signals are detectible in all extremities.

Biodome: Operational
Grow Nodes: Operational
Nitration System: Operational
Fungal Network: Active, surprisingly

Harvesting is typically 90 days out, but initial tests show small sprouts are ready within the span of a week. We'll look to optimize that further, keeping in mind a certain level of structural integrity is required to scale them up to nearly a grapefruit's size.


Location In the breaker room in the Pond Lab that activates the breakers in the Pond Depths.

Fight With Trudy[]

Audio Log 3
NOV 24, 89

This time you've gone top far, Wendell Tully. You've done the unthinkable. Trespassed the unforgivable.

You missed Thanksgiving dinner.

Who can blame Trudy? I know I have pushed things to the breaking point. And that she has grit her teeth and borne it.

She told me should could not bear to watch me destroy me life, let alone hers, the childrens', in a single-minded pursuit of this technology.

Never in all the years of knowing her has she given me such a cold, immovable ultimatum: my science or my family.

But if only she could see... I'm doing this for them. I understand it has been hard: it has been harder on no one but myself.

If only I had more time... If I could just prove to them the wonders that are so, so close now... They would understand. Wouldn't they?

And if they did not.. perhaps they never understood me at all.

Location On the edge of the final console in the Pond Dome.

HAMS Test: Day 7[]

Data Note
NOV 28, 89


HAMS Test: Day 7

Nominal results, not even marginally different from initial pretest runs. Nitrogen cycle levels remain optimal and the local fungal network appears robust. Brussels sprouts seem slightly loose and fairly limp. They need something to promote growth, but I can't put my finger on it.

Other phalangeal observations: Trudy finds her ring better suited for the koi pond substrate than her hand.

- Work on making calls to the house.
- Tell BURG.L to fish that ring out of the pond.



The Fish Wife's Ring

It sank to the ground,
and it sparkled by light.
'Twas lost and then snarfed -
a sanke koi's bite.

Her big wiggly mouth,
a glistening thing,
it swallowed up whole
the glittering ring.

Twin barbels flicker,
her fins they did flap…
It appeared she was choking,
her dorsal I did slap!

Hurled to the beyond,
the ring was now free,
as well as one eye,
which then winked at me.

"Are you my wife now?"
asked with my heart big n' true,
up gurgled her response,
"aye it's yer fish wife, me name's Trudy II."

Location In the lower section of the dome area of the Pond Lab on a desk.

HAMS Test: Day 15[]

Data Note
DEC 6, 89

HAMS Test: Day 15

No change from last week, but I feel we're on the cusp of something here, and I've got an idea.

I shot awake this morning, sweaty with a memory of the frenetic energy of fitness infomercials that popped on before the kids' Saturday morning cartoon shows, and in those early hours being annoyed at the greasy glow of skin stretched tight over bursting muscles screaming about some new trivial invention, veins bulging with hot blood. But that movement and excitement, that's what's missing. Our wilted petits choux need to get pumped up!

With this inspiration we're moving forward with an admittedly odd hail mary procedure for generation 2: vascular grafting.

At the time of writing this we've already removed the cumbersome stem from the growth process, rendering these axillary buds longing for a new system to be a part of. I've had BURG.L harvest the appendicular artery off the ol' jarred appendix, and have begun splicing them into the sprout roots, mending the union with a manner of agar glue. The systems of both man and plant are not that different, after all, but could they be this compatible?


Location Right of the room that turns on the breakers in the Pond Depths inside the Ominent Simple Bed.

Muscle Sprouts Test Kitchen[]

Data Note
DEC 7, 89

Results for Dr Wendell Tully
Prepared by BURG.L

Ingredients assessment:
Test sample are currently 0.833% of target production size.
Complex and somewhat tense muscular nuggets. Several flaps overlap to protect a central organ, all entirely edible.
An innate sense of fitness and survival compels them to fight against preparation.
A smack of the spatula calms them right down.

Initial recipe module analysis indicated use as a replacement for dry aged beef liver. Unexpected!
Compiling flavor profile compatibility...


Location In the hallway that connects the console room that unlocks the rest of the Pond Lab on a desk in the middle of it.

HAMS Test: Day 36[]

Data Note
DEC 27, 89

HAMS Test: Day 36

Generation 7 fitness stable. Vascular systems have evolved into something inspirational.

Sprout musculature amplification research is going swimmingly. Generation 4 being taught the rhythm of the flesh in a way the fungal networks could transmit was certainly key; Each node is performing in tandem at peak efficiency. Condensed crop cycle manipulation is accelerating generational hybrid evolution at an unprecedented rate.

HAMS is proving to be a highly advantageous apparatus!

Superdense brussels sprouts -muscle sprouts- conducting a ripe symphony of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates via the push and pull of plant and muscle fibers: the applications here for sustainable, humane omnivorous diets are tantalizing.

- Consider an aerobics program for the lab monitor array to increase nitrification and introduce a motivational aspect to growth.
- Plug data into BURG.L's recipe module. Finally, something we can share a common bond over.


Location In the room that leads to both underwater section of the Pond Lab located near the test tube with a Muscle Sprout inside.

HAMS Test: Day 91[]

Data Note
FEB 20, 90

HAMS Test: Day 91

Alas, failure once again. Product candidate generation 21 cannot be scaled without catastrophic side effects.

Dialing back to generation 9's parameter set to find a path forward.

The big brains over at Mouthtown came back with nothing but the grand idea to grind them up into crunchy gristle for the breakfast table. Hardly world changing. They MOCK me. If only they could taste the meals BURG.L had prepared these past few weeks. If only the sprouts survived the scaling process the way the earlier generations had.

It's a shame that cellular maturity is required for the sprouts to become viable as a product, but something about reaching advanced biological age is incompatible with the expanding process. Is it purely because the tissue damage/regrowth cycle is on a substantially compressed timeline?

They'd be not much older than myself if converted to human chronological age and I haven't experienced effects such as this...


Location Near the rim of the Muscle Sprouts garden in the Pond Lab in the dome area of the lab.

Pipe Problems[]

Data Note
AUG 17, 89

Well, Trudy took it upon herself to call in outside help to fix our sprinkler leak. I'm MORE than capable of fixing these things myself, with time! Just a little time is all I ask!

The damned fool she hired traipsed in here with zero regard for my work below the surface. I shooed him away and attempted to dig myself, but... things took a turn for the worse.

If Trudy notices, maybe she'll suspect it was a hack job, but she does have a keen eye for "my specific brand of handiwork" as she likes to jab with me.

One of these days, I'm going to reprogram TAYZ.Ts for maintenance work.

Location In the Field Station found in the Haze.

Trudy Blues[]

Audio Log 3
NOV 30, 89

Trudy was right. As always. Perhaps she should have been the inventor and not me.

I should have listened to her when she insisted that I stop the experiments.

But if I pack it up now, I will have nothing to show for it. No Trudy and kids. No SPAC.R. Not even my own health.

The longer I'm here, the more I'm... lumping up, aging, folding... raisining. But why? What am I becoming?

A wrinkly virus, flailing helplessly in the dirt with the mushrooms.

They are my family now.

Though we only branched on the evolutionary tree a little over a billion years ago, I can feel us getting closer again already.

We're all a bunch of fun guys down here, aren't we?

Don't look at me like that. At least no one ever heard of a raisined mushroom, did they? Did they...

Location On a table in the first room of the Haze Lab when taking the main entrance.

Big Brain Time[]

Audio Log 3
DEC 14, 89

Attempts to reverse cell age in mushrooms seem to be going well. Mutations are... violate, but productive!

The shift from phase one to two was almosht a blur.

There might be a reason it seemed like a blur, if I may be so bold-

Who asked you, BURG.L? Shouldn't you be tending to your tasks instead of eavesdropping through the intercoms?

Now where was I... Hmm... ah, yes. My friends Marasmius Oreades here.

The answer is hiding in that moist, supple flesh. And once I have it, I'll be back to normal Wendell in no time. Just like it was before thish all fell apart.

I'll walk into that presentation room and show those Oniment--Ominent--shmucks I belong.

How do you like that, Director Schmector?

Trudy and the kids will come back. Everything will be back to normal.

I just need those blasted shrooms to reveal their secrets to me...

Forgive me Dr. T-T-Tully, did you say you wanted mushrooms on that?

Location In the hallway that leads to the switch that opens the greater portion of the Haze Lab. it is found on the shelf displaying the middle mushroom.

Phase III Results[]

Data Note
DEC 21, 89

Phase III results: EXPLOSIVE

The mutations in phase three are progressing at rate I can't begin to quantify, and they've spread to local fauna.

Words can't express my sorrow I feel for these simple creatures, warped and manipulated into ravenous, horrible, exploding beings.

Attempts to reverse or even slow the changes in the strange spores or the creatures it has spread to haven't been fruitful.

I'm tasking BURG.L with keeping an eye on all of this, and introducing security defense procedures to keep this lab safe.

Catastrophic as it may be, my confidence in raw science as a catalyst for growth and change is sealed now.

Location Inside the Haze Lab in the hallway across from the water entrance to the lab that leads to the BURG.L Chip room.

Blazed Earth Protocol[]

Audio Log 3
DEC 21, 89

This has gone poorly. very, very poorly. The essence of failure. The pinnacle of its craft.

Local fauna? Berserk. Mushrooms? Exploding.

My condition? Like a baby toe after a long bath.

BURG.L, Are you there?

Is this a test?

Yes, BURG.L, it's a test.

Now listen carefully. I'm abandoning this facility immediately. Initiate the Blazed Earth protocol.

But Dr. Tully, simulations indicate a 95.283% probability of catastrophic failure!

I assure you the percentages are much higher than that. Do it.

[makes pretend beeping sounds]

Why did you make fake beeping sounds?

You said this was a test.

I was being sarcastic! [groans in frustration]

Complete the lab lockdown, blast the canister per protocol, and meet me in the black ant lab.

Location At the end of the Haze Lab near the Haze Chip.

Extra Precautions[]

Audio Log 1
JAN 14, 90

BURG.L has been behaving strangely.

I have noted in some of our interactions that he has been taking liberties with my instructions besides his usual displays of incompetence.

Why just the other day, I heard him humming a tune about... grilling. He thought I could not hear him...

I have told him again and again to eliminate that unnecessary function from his programming, and yet still I know he harbors secret thoughts of grilling...

I was certainly right to isolate him from the experiments... one can only imagine how his malformed programming could be contaminating my research.

I'll need to review my security protocols to make sure no further contamination occurs.

The security cameras are now installed across the yard, and I've assigned BURG.L to overseeing TAYZ.T and ARC.R operations.

A little insurance that my progress on Raw Science enrichment doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Neither Ominent, nor insect, nor robot will have access to my research now.

Location In the room located at the end of the hallway and rooms on the opposite direction of the Sector A console in the Black Anthill Lab.

Under Siege[]

Audio Log 1
FEB 8, 90

BURG.L, I'd like to summarize the results of today's MIX.R trials.

Ready to take your dictation.

Trials 1-2 were aborted due to mechanical failure. Now, Trial 3, Trial 3 was interesting...

Wait. BURG.L, what is that?

It looks like a gathering of ants.

Well, I can see that, but what--

[glass shattering followed by an alarm as the recording device falls to the ground]

Shut down the facility! Close the blast doors!

[blast doors slam closed while ants chitter]

[recorder being picked up]

It appears that the MIX.R has agitated some of the local fauna.

That's enough for today, BURG.L.

Location Next to the Sector A console in the Black Anthill Lab.

MIX.R Trial Summary[]

Data Note
FEB 9, 90

Welp, MIX.R development has been a bummmpy bumpy road.

I've successfully been able to produce a Raw Science concentrate, but the energy wave output is too strong for the containment field generator! It would seem that using a MIX.R is a single use affair for the time being. I'll need to find a way to ramp up unit production for the yields necessary to pursue my raisinification therapy experiments.

To makes matters worse, my laboratory has continued to be the focus of black ants! I suspect it has to do with the cacophony of these blasted machines at max power... or maybe something is luring them here. Anyway, as usual, the odds are stacked against me.


Location On a desk in a room located in the opposite direction of the hallway that leads to the Sector A console in the Black Anthill Lab.

MIX.R Relocation Program[]

Data Note
FEB 13, 90


Those blasted MIX.R devices are continuing to drive every creature in the area absolutely bonker. We'll figure out concentrate collection later, but these must be moved far from here!

I've drawn a rough map of potential locations up on the board. Each spot marked should be suitable for defense in the event the local creatures are just as huffy as our friends bearing down on the blast doors.


Location Above the Assistant Manager arena in the room to the right.

Security Briefing[]

Data Note
FEB 24, 90

It's become all too clear, foggy as I may be as of late, that some upkeep is in dire need.

Notes, blueprints, recordings, all - foolishly - out in the open. I never want to play tug of war with a soldier ant over important research ever again. I suspect even bigger forces are at work than just an upset colony. It's as though someone in the shadows is watching my every move! If Ominent has somehow caught wind of the devastating capabilities of MIX.R technology... well, it's high time for real security around here.

I'm suspending activity on the project while I beef this lab up a smidge. Plans are drawn for a repurposing of an old Roby's idea: the grumbling middle management unit. Their heavy handed programming leaves a room for improvement in the attitude department, and heaven forbid BURG.L will ever have to interact with it. I can't begin to imagine the two of them blathering back and forth, let alone deal with any whimpering about installing leadership above him.

He seems like the jealous type. "He." Turing save me.

Anyway, to work!


Location On a desk next to the Sector B console in the Black Anthill Lab.

Super Chip Protocol[]

Data Note
MAR 17, 90


We've reached a critical juncture with MIX.R research, and there's a very importance task I must entrust you with.

As you're aware, your 12-slot memory core is capable of holding a variety of data cartridges. I need you to download, everything you can and write key research and lab data—especially [REDACTED]—to the enhanced gold Super Chips, and everything else on the grey Auxiliary Chips. I've been testing the Super Chips privately since the haze lab when suspicions arose that our central data stores may not be safe from outside eyes for very long.

Should anything ever happen to your internal memory, you'll need to be aware these chips exist for retrieval, so file that amongst the deep pickle and mustard knowledge or whatever.

I will handle the security of the Super Chips. Your task will be to stash the rest.

Please be careful not to get carried away. This isn't an Easter egg hunt!

Oh, and please try to behave around the Assistant Manager. It has submitted SEVERAL incident reports to me!


Location In a small section of the Black Anthill Lab connected to the cave with the Sector B console room.

Lab Lockdown[]

Audio Log 1
APR 15, 90

The production of Raw Science concentrate has been, for better or worse, spread across the yard.

Given the unseen hands that move against me... it seems that no precaution is too much, no suggestion from my paranoid psyche too preposterous.

What a pathetic state of affairs... overrun by an enraged ant colony, and here I stand naked--naked!--to the unblinking eyes spying upon my every move.

Layers of abandonment and failure. Like a frumpy, naked failure onion. But who sheds a tear for us, BURG.L?

Is it the onlookers in the shadows? Is it whomever stumbles upon our toilings down here in the muck?

This should please you all. Dr. Wendell Tully, humbled again. Well, enjoy your laughs, cruel winds of fate.

But this onion has one more stink left to make, and sorry old friend, but I'm going it alone.

Deleting data stores and running lab lockdown procedures. Wendell out.

Location In the same room as the Black Anthill Chip.

Imminent Collapse[]

Audio Log 1
APR 25, 90

I don't need this now. Abnormalities in the readings. Unexpected power fluctuations. Raw science run rampant!

Don't forget incursions by local fauna.

Mouthy robotic assistants.

And I'm so tired.

All these new variables that need to be accounted for. They are ruining everything in my most desperate hour.

It has all turned against me.

Even as I walk around the backyard, I feel the walls of grass closing in on me, the tips of those green blades like daggers pointing at my heart.

I see--no, I feel the unblinking, multifaceted eyes of the ants and spiders reflecting my misshapen visage, watching, always watching, and bearing witness to my failure.

Perhaps it is time to lay down and admit defeat. Perhaps this is all the success that was meant for me.

Perhaps it is enough.

Location In one of the Ominent Beds in the storage room of the Black Anthill Lab.

Going Dark[]

Audio Log Undershed
JUN 15, 90

Working in the dark is playing tricks on my mind. I fear every shadow. Hear whispers in the silence...

But most of all... I miss my family.

[sighs] Trudy and her crooked grin. The way she rolled her eyes at my dumb jokes.

Sarah, my little angel. How she would jump into my arms every time I walked through the door after work.

And Thor... Thor and his obsession of the month. What was that last one? Castle Moldorc...? No, no, no, no... no, it was Mants.

[Imitating Thor] Dad, what do you mean I don't need Mant minis? Have you seen them? Do you even know what a Mant is?

[Imitating Thor] It's so rad Dad. A barbarian. An insectoid warrior with the mind of a human that--

[Stops Imitating Thor] Wait a minute. An insect with a human mind. I wonder if...

No, no, no. Stop it, Wendell. The darkness is giving you strange notions again. You need to focus on the task at hand. Raisining. Raw science. The key is here, it must be!

Location In the Undershed Entrance on a shelf.

Raw Storage[]

Audio Log Undershed
JUL 30, 90

Raw science storage of this magnitude is tricky. It's imperative to keep it cool and out of the sun.

Luckily, this crawl space is the perfect environment for both.

Once the lab is complete, I can begin my trials of direct Raw Science infusion.

I must know whether this byproduct particle originates from the subject or the process, as I originally assumed.

The only way to know for sure is to infuse myself with, uh... variable doses.

Dangerous? Quite. But it must be done or I am doomed.

If I can replenish these rogue particles in my body, perhaps I can finally reverse this raisinification.

Location In the Field Station in the Undershed.

Last Resort[]

Audio Log Undershed
SEP 21, 90

Defeat. Failure.

Countless infusions. Countless migraines.

I'm so shriveled now I can barely walk.

And the true origin of Raw Science?

An enigma. A mystery box with no lid.

I don't think I have much longer. It is hard to think straight. I am... so tired.

I have only one option that remains. One last toss of the proverbial dice.

Commence Project MANT.

Location In the first room of the Undershed Lab.

Project MANT: Condensed Science[]

Data Note
SEP 26, 90

Category: Project MANT: Condensed Science
Date: 09.26.90
Time: 8:45 PM
Voltage: 3.5v 'Raw Science Power: 13.0 dJ
Max Burn Time: <5 secs
Subject: Mant Cadaver 01
Location: Undershed Lab
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
The condensed science produced by my MIX.Rs should work as the perfect bonding agent for this anatomical marvel I've stitched together. Where carapace meets muscle sprout, where mandibles become toes. It's worth noting that condensed science, the spongy evolution of this miraculous particle, is very sensitive to heat stimulants. Therefore, I'll be molding the shape of these implants at low power. Don't want to overcook the science!

Failure. Reduced power settings unstable. Numerous, ill-timed surges fried several of the most tender sections of the vessel. The smell is almost unbearable. Good thing BURG.L isn't here to see my incompetent cooking skills, I'd never hear the end of it. Back to the drawing board. Time to assemble another cadaver.

Location In the large surgery room of the Undershed Lab near the door switch.

Project MANT: ZIP.P Fiber[]

Data Note
OCT 2, 90

Category: Project MANT: ZIP.R Fiber
Date: 10.02.90
Time: 12:31 PM
Abiotic Stress Tests: -20 to 140°F
Raw Science Power: 105.0 dJ
Tensile Strength Target at 0.009in: >245 Subject: Mant Cadaver 03 - Forearms
Location: Undershed Lab
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
Phase One complete. I've successfully transplanted several spinneret glands from local orb weavers into the Mant cadaver. While the body lacks an arachnid abdomen, I've taken inspiration from various Embioptera species and placed the web-producing glands into the forelegs, or arms in this case. Phase Two will entail Raw Science infusion in the attempt to strengthen web production, much like my earlier ZIP.P tests.

Success! Web production is plentiful and all extruded samples measure tensile strength levels far superior to that of any natural arachnid. With the large spinnerets located in the arms, web production should feel quite natural, while the glands are still large enough to make a certain, web-slinging superhero jealous. I'm certain navigating the dangers of the yard has just become a thing of the past.

Location In the large surgery room of the Undershed Lab near the door switch.

Project MANT: Test Drive 1[]

Data Note
OCT 7, 90

Category: Project MANT: Test Drive 1
Date: 10.07.90
Time: 5:15 PM
Neutral Relay Frequency: 41kHz Raw Science Power: 65.0 dJ
Desired Control Time: >2 min Subject: Mant Cadaver 04
Location: Undershed Lab
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
Pre-Test Notes Preliminary fungal germination tests have been promising. Cordycepin receptors show innate attraction to the vessel's protocereberal mass. Involuntary spasms and twitches have been documented throughout the process with each infusion of Raw Science. The Mant is showing signs of life! In order to control this vessel, I've rigged a neural relay to the antennal lobes. This should allow for rudimentary control of the subject.

Partial success. I was able to pilot the Mant from a prone position, including finger articulation, for over four minutes. It was a surreal experience to see through the alien eyes of an insect. An almost digital, pixel-based display washed in an unusual color spectrum. It will take several more tests before my human brain can acclimate to such an oddly wonderful view of the world.

Location In the large surgery room of the Undershed Lab near the door switch.

Muscle Sprout Bonding: Test 18[]

Data Note
OCT 14, 90

Category: Project MANT: Muscle Loss
Date: 10.14.90
Time: 2:31 AM
Fungus Injection: 0.000950000 mL
Raw Science Power: 90.0 dJ
Condensed Science Coefficient: 3.0
Subject: Mant Cadaver 06
Location: Undershed Lab
Supervising Scientist: Dr. Wendell Tully

Pre-Test Notes
Muscle sprout bonding with the calcium carbonate in the Formicidae family has been surprisingly efficient. The new, anthropodic limbs of the vessel are superior to human equivalents in almost every way. Muscle loss over time continues to be an unfortunate side effect. It appears the body is nourishing itself on the enzymatic proteins of the sprouts. Introducing Haze fungus injections to counteract this degradation.

Success! Several fungal growths have developed on the cadaver carapace, but muscle loss appears to have abated. The vessel is stable at hour 24. Miraculously, the digestive system appears to be working overtime. This has produced a viscous, green excrement from the... end of the system. As a temporary solution, I've dressed the vessel in some of my old underwear. Hopefully, I can conclude these experiments before I run out of tighty whities.

Location In the large surgery room of the Undershed Lab near the door switch.

Project MANT[]

Audio Log Undershed
OCT 18, 90

Project MANT is nearing completion. The first good news in as long as I can remember.

Perhaps my previous failures have all led to this point. A Wendepunkt! My defining moment!

This new body will allow me to continue my research. I've created a Super Scientist.

My checklist is complete. Consciousness transfer procedures will now begin.

[sounds of electronic transmission]

Hm? What's this... brainwave functions are spiking. Impossible!

[Groan] Blasted Ominent tech! Turn it off! Turn it off! [electronic pulses stop]

Note to self. Check soldering on the relay diodes of the neural displacer... again! Yes! Again!

Location Next to the door switch in the Undershed Lab.

Local Fauna Report[]

Data Note
SEP 9, 89

Poor Sarah with her little red bite mark. If she hadn't come to me, I wouldn't have even known.

Oh, her sad eyes as she scuttled over, cradling her tiny arm. "Daddy, daddy, there's something nasty in the roots of the oak tree," she whimpered. The tangles, much too small to be explored as a full man, begged to investigated in small form. But, why did I go tonight, in the dark? Why did I choose a creepy, foggy backdrop to see what I just saw?

And what is this feeling that I feel now, other than my heart still racing? A feeling beyond erector peli turning my skin to that of a goose, beyond raising my hair, or a shiver down my spine.

It's more like my skin has resigned to the thought of being removed, and the meat beneath that cowers in fear of being exposed to the crisp autumn air. The meat pulls my skin tight, like a cowering child under a blanket, hiding from ghosts and werewolves at the edge of the bed. The bones feel sorry for the meat, for the cold winds would be so brief. Like a worm sucked from a hook, it would all vanish into that drooling maw in the blink of an eye. And then my own unblinking eyes would rattle in their dark little sockets above my shivering jaw. A quivering stack of brittle bones collapses and scatters in a howling breeze...

The feeling is terror, I guess!

But, what can one do? Like the grey wolves of Yellowstone, these apex predators are an essential cog in a well-oiled machine. Remove the wolves, and elk run wild and strip the land. Goodbye flora turns into goodbye fauna. One simple change can disrupt the entire ecosystem.

Just leave them alone and they'll leave you alone, right?

Location In the Field Station in the left-side Flower Bed.

New Lab Reconnaissance[]

Data Note
OCT 4, 89


It was against my better judgement to ask you to dispose of my old official logs. I guess the wounds of being fired were too fresh to be thinking clearly.

Scouting locations for a place to house our MIX.R research, came across your dumping ground, and I must admit, I am still a bit misty eyed. Simpler times, old friend, simpler times.

May this new lab be a shining beacon in the desert. A tranquil oasis in the hot sands!


Location On the floor of the Field Stations behind the Trash Heap.


Data Note
OCT 24, 89

Alas, my considerable neglect of the backyard is continuing to introduce further complications to my research. Several months ago I began dissembling a TAYZ.T for parts to make Mark II variations and left those parts in my Brawny Boy Bin in the upper yard. I opened the bin yesterday morning and was... HORRORFIED! There in the box... Buzzing their wicked little wings was a swarm of WASPS! WASPS! All hovering around their bulbous creation in the corner of my Brawny Boy Heavy Duty Bin. I've been so worried about Ominent infiltrators that I never suspected being hoodwinked by these horrid creatures... If I dare bumble around in there for parts, I'm bound to upset the whole hive, then I'll have an even bigger mess to deal with...

So here I am, left with no choice but to sneak inside the bin while tiny, subject to the dangers of what lurks in the dark here. Hopefully I can take enough photos of the work I did on the TAYZ.T that I can piece back together my work, and not end up skewered like a billy hog by a devilish wasp stinger.

Location In the Field Station in the Brawny Boy Bin

CCTV Report[]

Data Note
NOV 16, 89

Last night I was reviewing CCTV Footage and noticed several cameras inside my lab below the old pine stump cut out. All that remained was the feed from the front door camera, its lens fixed at the sky as hundreds of rotten wood splinters rained down upon it.

To my dismay, the next morning I found that rotten tree trunk had collapsed under its own weight, crushing my lab to smithereens! These lab sets are falling apart left and right... I need to be more careful when I scout locations in the future. I can't spare to lose an important research station to Ominent's shoddy manufacturing practices.

Until then, I'll have BURG.L set up a feed from Pond Outpost Alpha where I'll be conducting some research for a while and lock it with a kill switch for the door I can operate. There may be some... unstable devices still knocking around in the dark down there.

Location The Field Station located in the upper right corner of the yard behind the Stump.

Goodbye Wendell[]

Dataitem Trudy Letter
NOV 30, 89


What can I say in this letter that we haven't argued about these last few years? Is there anything left to talk about? It breaks my heart to admit it, but we need a change. I'm sorry, I just can't take the tears anymore. I can't bear to look of disappointment on our children's faces, night after night, while pretending it's all going to get better.

So we're going up north to my sister's. I need time to think and decide what happens next.

Please don't call me, I won't answer. If you want to talk about where we go from here, you'll have to pull yourself away from your work and make the drive.

I'll always love you Wendell, and I hate that we've ended here, but here we are. Please take care of yourself and don't forget to eat something healthy every now and again.

Your not-yet-ex-wife,


Location On the table in the first room next to the entrance to the Haze Lab.

Inventory Inspection[]

Data Note
DEC 11, 89


You watch enough cartoons to know the gag - the befuddled, man puts his finger through an unexpected hole in the fabric.

Welp, that's me today. The chests that've been jingling around in my dice bag for weeks to keep track of shrunken treasures jangle no more. Scattered to the four winds, the seven seas!

Please keep an eye out, they could be anywhere. The perfect vessels for storing precious items... what a pity.


Location Inside the Field Stations located in the Sandbox.

Mixing Rigs[]

Data Note
JAN 29, 90


As hypothesized, these new MIX.R devices are able to whip Raw Science into a concentrate, becoming a beautiful new orange hue as it nears stasis.

If you hadn't tried to blend science, we may not have stumbled upon this curious new property. Now, to refine it further and find a use for it...

Just remember to keep an eye on it during production. The particle oscillation flow seems too beefy for the containment field generator.

Keeping this one out in the boonies in case something goes awry.


Location On top of the Central Grasslands MIX.R.


Audio Log 1
MAY 4, 90

I cannot bear to look upon myself any longer. I have become a monster: inhuman, less than the insects that are my only companion now.

I have become old well before my years. A shrunken husk of a man. A walking corpse like Lurkin Shriek, doomed to the executioner's axe.

Trudy was right all along. As she always is.

And what remains? I'm a failure as a scientist, as a husband... and as a father.

I have no choice but to remain here, living exiled in the backyard.

I have diverted my remaining strength into finding a cure for this malady... this raisinification, if you will. It is my only hope now.

All other research initiatives must be put on hold or it will be too late. It may already be to late.

Its only fitting I am so small. Tiny, miniscule. Just like my legacy.

Location Inside the Sandbox Lab Outpost.

All Of These Eyes[]

Audio Log 1
MAY 6, 90

The eyes... they are always watching. The backyard is watching.

Strange noises, stranger occurrences. Coincidences? I think not.

Or is it my mind playing tricks on me? I feel the senility at the edges of my thoughts. I have grown so old.

Just the other day, I found my tape recorder lying out that I know I put away. I would not have been so careless. And yet there it was.

Could it have been BURG.L? No... such a conspiracy would be beyond his capabilities. Something darker is afoot.

Ominent, perhaps? I knew it might be too great a risk to liberate that equipment from them

Whatever it is, it is always watching. Ominent, surely, But how could they know... I took such precautions. And yet...

BURG.L! Execute the end of day procedures--wait. Ignore that. I will see to it myself.

It may be time for me to find a new venue for my research. Away from all these eyes.

Location Inside the Field Stations located on the wooden stump in front of the Woodpile.


Audio Log 3
MAY 28, 90

SCA.B Online.

Transferring Biometric Data: Wendell Tully.

Biometric Data Transfer Complete.

Audio file downloaded: Dr. Wendell Tully. Title: Goodbye.

[clears throat] Hello, my SCA.B wearing friend. I do not know who you are or how you came by this message, but please tell them I tried. Tell Trudy, Thor, my little Sarah... tell the world.

The sun is setting on our yard, and it brings back so many memories. Sitting in this chair, my favorite chair... my thinking chair, I fear this may be the last time I lay eyes on such a beautiful sight.

I'm nearly out of time. My body shrivels more with each passing day. Even my SCA.B can barely fit on my bony wrist.

The SPAC.R... my greatest achievement! A disaster. The final chapter in the book of my many failures.

Perhaps in solitude, free from my family, from BURG.L, from Ominent... Perhaps I can finally find a cure to this damnable raisining.

So... this will be my last adventure into the miniature world. I leave the warmth of the sun and embrace the unknown. I'll either find the answer, or shrivel in the darkness below.

To my lab underneath the shed. This is Dr. Wendell Tully, signing off. Good bye.

Location Repairing the Full-Sized SCA.B on the table on the shed deck.

Grilled Science[]

Grilled Science Transcript

The plump and juicy secret missing ingredient for the embiggening cocktail, locked away from prying eyes. This special patty is the result of MIX.Rs spinning Raw Science into a concentrated form, and then seared by BURG.L's swift spatula.

Location In the Undershed Lab, in the cooler room that is only unlocked after speaking to Dr. Wendell Tully.
Usage Is the final ingredient of the Embiggening Cocktail.

Research Notes: Quantum Toast[]

Data Note
JUN 7, 90

REMIX.R Repurposed

First, the bad news: It has become clear that I cannot simply pluck the smooth skin from an alternate dimension's Wendell to replace this horribly raisined sheath. I've been thumbing through the folds of every reality just to find another wrinkled Wendell, only to find him doomed to this very same fate. A sort of cursed concurrent universal parallelism. Work will need to continue to find a suitable... vessel to inhabit.

The good news, of course, is the REMIX.R is perfectly suited for yoinking other things from this apparent loaf of adjacent dimensions--chiefly: toast.

Pefect toast!

Each of the REMIX.R's output modules have been modified to contain quantum superposition slots for bread. If I'm to spend the remainder of my days down here, I shall spend them without a moment wasted on anything less than perfectly charred bread.

In developing unsettling news, I fear the repeated occurrence of this switcheroo is having some compounding effects on spacetime in this little corner of the yard. One can't help but wonder if subtle cracks might be forming in the plasma globe, or if it's merely a trick of the light. Could they foretell an existential threat or an invitation to the unknown?

Time will tell if this phenomenon will become a tragic testament to human hubris or a mirage in the desert of our understanding. The uncertainty lingers, thick like the cartoon scent trail of immaculately toasted bread.


Location Inside the lab holding the REMIX.R.


Recon Journal: Entomologist[]

Ominent Note
SEP 27, 89

Expedition Member: J. K.
Department: Agricultural Entomologist
Date: Sept 27 1989

So, that's the way it'll be. We'll all split up and regroup... never. Seems logical. NOT!

There's a reason so many insects thrive in colonies. Working toward a singular goal, functioning as a unit. Functioning as one organism! We should be surviving together, but instead we're going to die off, one by one.

I'm certainly doing nothing of importance out here solo.

So far I have seen, uh, a very strange coffee maker, and avoided a gargantuan mulleted child stomping around the only place we called home.

I'm going to make my way west, around the BBQ. Maybe | can rustle up some coal chunks and come bearing fire the next time I find one of the others. That worked for the cavemen, right?

Location In a skeleton the BBQ Spill, crushed under a charcoal near the stone wall on the upward hill of ash.

Recon Journal: Compliance Officer[]

Ominent Note
OCT 31, 89

Expedition Member: A. Miller
Department: Compliance
Date: Oct 31 1989

I should have known once I signed off on that silly work order for Scapers Amalgamated, clearly a front for some sort of internal covert work, that I would also be signing away my future at Ominent. Well, not if I can help it. If anyone can find a way out of a rats nest, it's gonna be a lawyer! They'll need me to clean up all these loose ends when we're done, anyway.

At least it has become more clear why they chose us, now. A gaggle of eggheads with esoteric knowledge of what we're meant to encounter, me, to keep track of all this questionable activity, and ex-military macho man to guide us through an unforgiving, hostile territory. Oh and the intern who... sharpens pencils? Carries bags? Sits in the dark and talks to ants? Well, whatever.

I'm carrying out my duties as best I know how, evenespecially without the help of the others. Where they went, whether they're alive or dead, no longer concerns me. All I care about is the documentation of whatever this terminated employee has gotten up to, getting back to normal size, and putting this all to rest.

So far, I've captured photographic evidence of pilfered and repurposed equipment that are certainly untested in the required environments. First, it was some contraption with a pizza table jammed in the middle. Now, I'm on hot on the trail of a sort of satellite apparatus. I saw the antenna poking out of the hedges at the side of the dwelling, and today I'll climb up and over the exterior power outlet and into the branches to document it up close.

I can already tell I'm going to find some shocking funny business up there.

Location In a skeleton located directly below the power outlet in-between the Hedge and the porch.

Recon Journal: Intern[]

Ominent Note
NOV 25, 89

Expedition Member: B. Stava
Department: Intern
Date: Nov 25 1989

This Thanksgiving, I spend with my new friends. They truly understand me. I can see it in their eyes.

They don't make me carry things, or take notes, or yell at me, or talk down to me.

We carry our own weight! We make a feast together, me and the ants. We get along just fine.

If I never see the rest of those other jerks again, it'll be too soon.

Except maybe the military guy, he can join us.

Like a SOLDIER ant, get it?

Now, to find a wishbone...

Location In the Ant Totem Cave.

Recon Journal: Special Forces[]

Ominent Note
DEC 21, 89

Expedition Member: D. Reid
Department: External: Special Forces
Date: 21 Dec 1989

If I ever get my hands on that Schmector, I'll snap him like a dry Billy Hog. He was breathing down the commander's neck for months about that wackadoo "O.R.C." project. Jumped up his buns so bad about it being the future of warfare. Not sure how I drew the short straw, but ended up getting voluntold for what seemed like a pretty normal mission:

  • Occupy an established basecamp at the drop site
  • Lay groundwork for the O.R.C. operation
  • Babysit a pack of pencil-necks in an untamed wilderness
  • Do some light recon
  • Don't spill the beans
  • Don't make contact

Simple enough when the fine print don't read like a horror novel. The reality? That wilderness is some fired dude's large hostile yard packed with nightmare predators and crazy experiments. Your base is casually visited by a 400' child, and none of the nerds you're stuck with want to work together, so, you're on your own out in the there. Small arms and light weapons don't work at this scale, hope you're good with sticks and stones. Oh, and also you're gonna shrivel up like fingers in the bath, here's your one way ticket. Thanks a lot, Ominent.

You'd think the pucker factor would max out right about there, but that brings us to the current situation I find myself in.

I was snapping a pic of some weird glowing cartridge just as an emergency shutdown message echoed through this subterranean lab. Ran to beat heck outta there just in time to get caught in a blast that shook this cavern like a hungry kid shaking the crumbs from a bag of chips. A thick haze is rolling in, bringing with it an army of creepy exploding bugs. They haven't caught wind of me, and this pocket I got knocked into seems to have breathable air for now, but I'm not counting my chickens just yet.

If I don't make it, tell momma I love her.

Big D over and out.

Location In a skeleton located in the Haze Lab, in the back of the cave full of Infected Weevils.

Recon Journal: Health And Safety Officer[]

Ominent Note
DEC 24, 89

Expedition Member: R. Weinert
Department: Health And Safety Officer
Date: Dec 24 1989

So you might be asking yourself, why send your only Health and Safety Officer off on a seemingly one-way trip into a wasp-infested crate in Wendell's garbage heap of a backyard? You know... The only one on the team trained in first aid? Who's gonna patch up Spencer the next time he's back at the base with a bee sting the size of his face... Who!?.. The intern? The one who shares his lunches with ants?!

As you can tell, I'm not thrilled about this assignment. This journal has become more of a confessional these days. I just can't take it much longer; none of us get answers anymore! Find this, take a picture of that, lure out a hundred ladybirds, and slap an O.R.C. chip on their head (side note: they REALLY hate when you do that). I really hope this O.R.C. Chip is all it's cracked up to be and it can manage to take control of this Wasp Queen Schmector keeps going on about; otherwise, I'm swiss cheese.

I better be getting a promotion from this, otherwise Mother's going to be furious with me missing another holiday with the family...

Well, I guess I'm off to stir the LITERAL hornet's nest with this lure I concocted from the memo the Director left for us back at our Hideout.

When this is all over, I better get one of those fancy Ominent pancake parties everybody's been talking about.

Location In a skeleton located in the Wasp Nest right of the Wasp Queen's spawning eggs.

A Sticky Situation[]

Ominent Note
DEC 25, 89

Expedition Member: B. Stava
Department: Ant King
Date: Dec 25 1989

Gnashing at me, snipping with their snip-snaps. Who do they think they are?

Do they not witness the One I have created in our combined image?

Can't they understand that this is who we will become, together?

On this day, I come bearing gifts.

Location At the end of the Termite Cave.

Recon Journal: Toxicologist[]

Ominent Note
DEC 30, 89

Expedition Member: D. Spencer
Department: Pharmaceutical Toxicology
Date: Dec 30 1989

Today, I head back below the depths.

What I caught a glimpse of on my last frigid dive has piqued my interest: Some manner of cultivated fleshy variant of cruciferous vegetable.

Holistic remedies are not really my forte, but the benefits of the sulforaphane in Brussels sprouts are well established. Could there be an enhancement of that compound lurking within these yoked monstrosities? Only a field study can answer that, and maybe provide some insight on the effects we're experiencing down here.

I've been observing from a distance, but I saw the intern the other day... he doesn't seem well. Absolutely avoiding from now on. I should not like to have another run-in with the giant koi fish, but she seems somehow less dangerous.

Anyway, dip down, grab a sample, and head back to base for some actual science!
The kids haven't been around for weeks, I think it's safe.

Location In a skeleton located in the Pond Depths, near the Pond Lab breaker underneath the large amount of wreckage.

Recon Journal: Biomedical Engineer[]

Ominent Note
MAR 20, 90

Expedition Member: E. Ferreiar
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Date:Mar 20 1990

I wonder who else has made it this long? Nearly seven months now. The daily ducking and dodging of whatever the yard has in store as my mind and body withers and fades.

We were the best and brightest! Well, most of us. I have no idea what the point of the intern is. Did we not deserve to understand the full picture? Well, certainly we deserved to know, though we would never have signed on that dotted line, Just the same, I do my little tasks. I snap my photos and snatch the tapes. Ugh, the tapes... "Minor transcription errors," Tully, you massive dunce. Doomed yourself, doomed us all!

Well, I'll stay out here, roasting in the sands, observing the great plodding fool, Dr. Wendell Tully, coming and going as he pleases as he becomes no more than beef jerky haunting his back yard.

I should confront him, big or small. The blundering scientist flees across the desert, and the raisined engineer follows!

Location In a skeleton located in the Sandbox, in the footprint near the zipline that connects it to the Picnic Table. It takes the form of a Buried Treasure.

Suspicious Snapshot 1[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 1

A photo taken of a specific part of one of the big pieces of science equipment in the yard.

Location In a skeleton located directly below the power outlet in-between the Hedge and the porch.

Suspicious Snapshot 2[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 2

A photo of a tiny antenna sticking out of the large hedge beside the house.

Location In a skeleton located directly below the power outlet in-between the Hedge and the porch.

Suspicious Snapshot 3[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 3

A photo of what appears to be a glowing cartridge of some kind, tucked away behind a glass window.

Location In a skeleton located in the Haze Lab, in the back of the cave full of Infected Weevils.

Suspicious Snapshot 4[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 4

This photo appears to be of a moldy castle spire sprouting up out of a moat.

Location In a skeleton located in the Pond Depths, near the Pond Lab breaker underneath the large amount of wreckage.

Suspicious Snapshot 5[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 5

A blurry photo of what appears to be a coffee maker with various wires coming out of.

Location In a skeleton the BBQ Spill, crushed under a charcoal near the stone wall on the upward hill of ash.

Suspicious Snapshot 6[]

Suspicious Snapshot Transcript
Suspicious Snapshot 6

This photo shows what looks to be a SCA.B but much larger, perhaps belonging to someone before they were shrunk?

Location In a skeleton the BBQ Spill, crushed under a charcoal near the stone wall on the upward hill of ash.

Loyal Subjects[]

Ominent Note Transcript

Expedition Member: Exalted Nugget B. Stava
Department: Creator!
Date: Day 1 of Year 0

Hark, what year do we find ourselves in, oh child of the future?

You, likely an archivist of the society, have stumbled upon a record of the decree, from the long long.

What do we look like, now? Do we have bones or shell, or both? Or neither?

Are we still small? Surely not - surely not.

Do we still abide by the way? Do we still shun the hot fruits and the wet greens?

Do we crisp the good meats and drink the green drinks?

Aye, it be so, I am sure of it. I am so sure of it.

And now, wrinkled, withered, a nugget. I sleep. Farewell, child.

Location In a skeleton located in a cave in the Upper Grasslands, near the abandoned Milk Molar Bottle under its detached lid.

Ominent Data Disk[]

Ominent Data Disk Transcript

***Warning! All files are the sole property of Ominent Practical Technologies***

OM_Backup (Z:)

Type Size Name
File Folder 1.5 Mb Project O.R.C
File Folder 8.6 Mb SPAC.R Replication
File Folder 2.1 Mb Embiggening Research
File Folder 1.0 Mb Eulerish Grid Mapping
File Folder 3.9 Mb Raisining Serum
File Folder 1.1 Mb Raisining Teen Trials
File Folder 6.7 Mb Proto-tube Rehydration
File Folder 1.2 Mb Micro Storage Stabilizer
File Folder 9.5 Mb Bio Microtriangulation
File Folder 2.0 Mb Dark NULL Hypercore
File Folder 3.3 Mb Rift Exploratory Squad
File Folder 0.0 Mb T.H.E. Humungus
Location Dropped by Director Schmector.


Order Number 1[]

SEP 5, 87

BURG.L Transcription Unit 87.09.05. Order Number 1.

Robot, I need you to monitor these power fluctuations and inform me if they exceed acceptable limits.

Hello! My name is BURG.L, and I will be serving you today. I specialize in cooking, flipping, and grilling.

Grilling? A feature useful only to your obsolete, burger-flipping brethren now consigned to scrap heap!

I need you to monitor these readings... BURG.L.

And isn't it redundant to specialize in cooking and grilling?

Understood. Appending "monitor power fluctuations" to my prime directive list. De-prioritizing grilling.

Good. Now get on with it.

Re-prioritizing grilling.

Location From inside the Oak Lab, first find the smashed breach in the wall. It is outsite the lab to the right, next to the tree roots.

Excellent Mustache[]

OCT 25, 87

BURG.L Transcription Unit 87.10.25. Order Number 73.

I find it a wonder that the BURG.L Mark IV's never caught on. I believe them to be far superior to the Mark IIIs. Those never lived up to my expectations.

How's that?

They could only calculate post-cooking burger weights to the nearest tenth of a pound!

And they only had enough memory for one seasoning module: salt or pepper.

All solved with you Mark IV's. Not to mention your most excellent moustaches.

T-T-Thank you. I will never forget this moment.

Location In the Resource Surveyor Outpost in the Hedge near the two RUZ.Ts.

First Shrinking[]

APR 15, 89

BURG.L Transcription Unit 89.04.14. Order Number 80.

BURG.L. are you there?

Yes, sir. It appears that the shrinking process has not overly affected my functionality. I do not know how this is possible.

I previously believed that all the parts of my functional unit were required for operation. But apparently they were not?

Perhaps that means I have some extra storage space...

Very philosophical. Do you feel anything else?

No... everything appears to be the same. Though... I have come to realize that this world is absolutely covered in filth.

It is quite concerning. You may wish to wash your hands before returning to work.

Location In the Field Station behind the Fallen Oak Branch.

Web Samples[]

OCT 4, 89

BURG.L Transcription Unit 89.03.23. Order Number 20.

BURG.L! Did you organize my research notes on the material properties of the spider web fiber as I directed?

Of course! Well, no.

Good. ...Wait. Explain.

I have logged 110,437 different algorithms for organization and compiled them into an alphabetical list.

That menu is being printed now and should be ready for review in... approximately 12 weeks.

After that is complete, I will be able to organize your research notes based on the algorithm you select.

Well, let me know when it's done then

Location In a fallen section of a hallway directly below the Hedge Lab.

Roby's Song[]

MAY 1, 90

BURG.L Transcription Unit 87.11.22. Order Number 43.

Do it again, BURG.L, for old time's sake.

What's that, Dr. Tully?

Play the old script.

Right away!

"Hello and welcome to Roby's Classic Automated Burger Shop, my name is BURG.L, and I will be taking your order today."

"Perhaps I can interest you in the daily specials? My favorite is the Roby's 0.375 Pounder with Cheese with a side of mammal style fries!"

That will do just fine, BURG.L.

"Remember the Roby Burger motto, 'Make every day exponentially great!"

Location Inside the a small section of the Black Anthill Lab connected to the Sector B console.


Product Information
"The SCA.B is a cutting-edge bio-monitoring scanner bracelet system in a familiar wristwatch form factor. The device appears to also send and receive FM stereo signals."

The SCA.B is unlocked at the start of the game. It's main function is to display the vitals of the player. Upgrades can be purchased from BURG.L that improve it's scanners to automatically search for Raw Science, Milk Molars, and other SCA.Bs when the player gets close enough.

SCA.B User Manual
SCA.B User Manual
"A tattered manual filled with instructions for interacting with the SCA.B on your wrist, plus a lot of oddly specific information about yard survival. Shortcuts for the manual are found on the pause and death screens."

The SCA.B User Manual is unlocked at the start of the game. It doesn't do anything by itself, but it does direct the player to the Survival Guide section of the menu.

"A useful piece of tech that allows you to travel up ziplines."

The ZIP.R is unlocked via finding it in a room in the Oak Lab. It requires the Asst. Manager Keycard to unlock it. It allows the player to go up ziplines.

Note Information How to Obtain
Abomination Totem Recipe
"A recipe detailing how to create a disgusting abomination."

Unlocks: Abomination Totem

Found in a Pond Cave against the northern section of the Koi Pond. The cave is reasonably deep, so bring at least a Gill Tube. It is located in the hands of a pre-built version of the item it unlocks.
Ant Totem Recipe
"Recipe found next to a dead body in a cave full of ant heads."

Unlocks: Ant Head Totem

Found in a cave in the Hedge located against the wall of the stone wall that holds the Hedge Lab area.
Water Logged Recipe
"A note detailing how to make a particularly deadly weapon."

Unlocks: Salt Morning Star

Found in a chest in the moat of the sandcastle in the Sandbox. To open it, the player requires the Melted Moat Key found in a Buried Treasure that can be found by looking in the shadow of the middle-most shovel at 15:30 in-game time.
Frostbitten Recipe
"A note detailing how to harness the natural refrigeration powers of Ice Caps mints to preserve food.'"

Unlocks: Fresh Storage

Found in the Undershed Entrance on a desk.
Water Logged Recipe
"A note detailing how to make a particularly deadly weapon."

Unlocks: Bomb Arrow

Found in a chest inside the car tire in the Upper Grasslands. To open it, the player requires the Sticky Key. The key is located on a missing brick in the stone wall on top of the collapsible ladder.
Mysterious Note
Glorious Recipe
"A note detailing how to make a particularly strange set of buildings."

Unlocks: Mant Gong, Standing Mant Brazier, and Sitting Mant Brazier

Found in the Undershed Lab where the player finds Dr. Wendell Tully, in the bottom shelf of a cart.

Key Information How to Obtain
Mossy Key
Mossy Key
"A thick and chunky moss-covered key."

Usage: Opens the sunken chest located in the Pond Depths that contains the Sunken Outpost Chip.

Found in a Pond Cave in the Pond Depths located behind the lab wreckage that holds one of the breakers. The cave is deep, dark, and infested with Diving Bell Spiders, so it is recommended to bring a Slime Lantern, Bubble Helmet, and a Stinger Spear, Spider Fang Dagger, or Bone Trident for defense.
Minotaur Maze Key
Minotaur Maze Key
"This tiny key caked in bread crumbs is often included in the Minotaur & Myrmadon's Figure Playset along with the corresponding chest it opens."

Usage: Opens the chest located on top of the Picnic Table that contains the Picnic Chip.

Found in a cave that can be accessed by the exposed pipe located near the Picnic Table. The key requires a Bone Dagger or Spider Fang Dagger to reach due to being blocked by Soggy Root.
Melted Moat Key
Melted Moat Key
"This key has been baking in the sun for a while and has slightly melted the handle, but the key itself is still intact."

Usage: Opens the chest located in the moat of the sand castle that contains the Water-Logged Recipe for the Salt Morning Star.

Found in the Sandbox in a Buried Treasure that can be dug up with a Black Ant Shovel. The treasure's location can easily be found in the center of the middle-most shovel's shadow at approximately 15:30 in-game time.
Sticky Key
Sticky Key
"A toy treasure key caked in the residue of chewed bubble gum."

Usage: Opens the chest located in the tire in the Upper Grasslands to obtain the Water-Logged Recipe to unlock Bomb Arrows.

Found inside a piece of Chewed Gum located inside the stone wall above the retractable ladder in the Upper Grasslands, within a missing brick. It can be reached by climbing the top of the ladder and parkouring along a vine touching the east-side of the ladder.
Asst. Manager Keycard
Asst. Manager Keycard
"A standard employee keycard that depicts a surly looking ARC.R."

Usage: Allows the player to open all locked doors in the Black Anthill Lab, the Sandbox Lab Outpost, multiple Lab Outposts in the Koi Pond, as well as one in the Oak Lab that leads to the ZIP.R.

Dropped by the Assistant Manager.
SCA.B Replacement Fuse
SCA.B Replacement Fuse
"A fuse built for SCA.Bs Part of a pair essential for keeping those complex biometric scanning devices operational."

Usage: Activates the Full-Sized SCA.B and gain access to the Undershed.

Return all 4 of the following BURG.L Chips:
Embiggening Cocktail
Filled Embiggening Cocktail
"This cocktail fuels the Embiggening Cell attached to the SPAC.R Platform."

Usage: Inserted into the Mysterious Machine to finish the story.

Brewed in the JavaMatic.
Embiggening Cell
Embiggening Cell
"A empty replacement Embiggening Cell that requires the Embiggening Cocktail in order to work in the SPAC.R."

Usage: Inserted into the JavaMatic to brew the Embiggening Cocktail.

Return 2 of the following BURG.L Chips:

Password Scribbles[]

All Password Scribbles are found in the Hedge Lab. Finding all 4 will complete the Hedge Lab quest and allow the player to interact with the terminal and unlock the rest of the lab.

Scribble Description
Password Scribble 1
Password Scribble: Y-
"A piece of torn up paper with part of a word or something on it. This one says "y" followed by half of an illegible character."
Password Scribble 2
Password Scribble: -UR
"A piece of torn up paper with part of a word or something on it. This one has half of an illegible character followed by "ur."
Password Scribble 3
Password Scribble: T19
"A piece of torn up paper with part of something written on it. This one says "t19."
Password Scribble 4
Password Scribble: 58
"A piece of torn up paper with a number on it. This one says "58."

Broodmother Research Notes[]

Data Note Transcript

TRIAL 24: weevil, cooked
No interest.

TRIAL 25: Ladybug, raw
Some interest, but not enough to lure her from her lair

TRIAL 26: Bombardier, raw
No interest.

TRIAL 27: Bombardier, cooked
The odor is horrific (nearly VISIBLE), yet it seemed to appeal to her. Perhaps if combined with ladybug meat...?

TRIAL 28: Ladybug and bombardier, cooked
SUCCESS! Though noxious, the broodmother could not resist the bait. That said... having seen her up close, perhaps I should continue to study her from a distance. At least for the time being.

Location In a Lab Outpost located next to the Hedge Lab in the outer area of the Hedge.
Unlocks Broodmother BLT

Mantis Research Notes[]

Data Note Transcript

TRIAL 12: flower petals, weevils
Snubbed. Active distaste for the dish.

TRIAL 13: Bee, wood
Some interest, but not enough to lure out into the open.

TRIAL 14: Bee, berry
No interest. Maybe a skewer of some sort would be enticing...

TRIAL 15: Wood, fire ant cooked
Significantly more interest. Something worthy of the prowess the mantis displays to seal the deal?

Location In the Stump Lab Outpost in the first parkour room above the glowing blue pylon at the bottom of the room.
Unlocks Orchid Mantis Kebab

Memo: O.R.C. Wasp Queen Research[]

Data Note Transcript

MEMO: Wasp Queen O.R.C.
Trial Author: Director Schmector
Date: Dec 04 1989

TRIAL 1: bombardiers, honeydew, lint I'm not sure what I was thinking here.

TRIAL 2: bee parts, mosquito parts... both breeds, wormholes candy? That did it! So much easier than the others.

Verdict: New Recipe for Wasp Queen lure should suffice to coax out the queen so the O.R.C. Reciever can be attached.

Location In a skeleton located in the Wasp Nest right of the Wasp Queen's spawning eggs.
Unlocks Bee Bee Q Medley

Moldy Note[]

Data Note Transcript

A crusty, mold-encrusted note barely legible, revealing the secret recipe for an abhorrently repugnant "food" dish that only the foulest palates could possibly savor.

Location In the Mysterious Lab, on a desk in the entrance room.
Unlocks Moldy Hoagie

Poison Mushroom Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Red Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with poison.

Location In the Haze Lab, in the room with the switch that grants access to the rest of the lab.
Unlocks Poison Mushroom Sandwich

Infected Mushroom Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Red Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with infection.

Location In the Exposed Pipe that leads to the Haze Lab, located at the bottom of the pipe directly below the crack that leads to the Haze Lab.
Unlocks Infected Mushroom Sandwich

Poison Gum Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Black Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with poison.

Location In the Black Anthill Lab, inside a small part of the lab located above an elevated cliff in the back of the cave. Visible from the main room where the player unlocks Sector A,
Unlocks Poison Gum Sandwich

Infected Gum Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Black Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with infection.

Location In the room full of broken MIX.R parts above the Assistant Manager arena. Only appears in New Game+.
Unlocks Infected Gum Sandwich

Poison Toejam Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Fire Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with poison.

Location In the Fire Anthill, found by taking the Jungle Anthill entrance, which is the one marked by Yoked Girths body. From this entrance, proceed forward till the crossroads and take a right and break the Dead Roots. The recipe will be found leaning on the pillar deeper in the room.
Unlocks Poison Toejam Sandwich

Infected Toejam Sandwich Recipe[]

Data Note Transcript

A recipe detailing how to cook the Fire Ant Queen's favorite food, laced with infection.

Location In the Fire Anthill, found via taking the Lawnmower entrance and traveling forward. It will be found on the floor of a fairly open food room not too far in the cave. Only appears in New Game+2.
Unlocks Infected Toejam Sandwich

Duper Disc Information Location
Duper Disc
Duper Disc 1
"This data disc contains firmware for the Super Duper machine in the Oak Lab. Loading disks activates the machine's software and increases the Raw Science processing limits required for duplicating more complex objects."

Usage: Unlocks use of the Super Duper. Maximum Raw Science cost is capped at 1,000.

At the end of the Hedge Lab, next to the Super Chip.
Duper Disc
Duper Disc 2
"This data disc contains firmware for the Super Duper machine in the Oak Lab. Loading disks activates the machine's software and increases the Raw Science processing limits required for duplicating more complex objects."

Usage: Increases the Super Duper's maximum Raw Science cap to 2,000.

Note: Collecting this disc won't bring the cap up to 2,000 unless you've collected another disc. The order of which you collect the discs doesn't matter.

At the end of the Pond Lab, next to the Super Chip.
Duper Disc
Duper Disc 3
"This data disc contains firmware for the Super Duper machine in the Oak Lab. Loading disks activates the machine's software and increases the Raw Science processing limits required for duplicating more complex objects."

Usage: Increases the Super Duper's maximum Raw Science cap to 20,000.

Note: Collecting this disc won't bring the cap up to 20,000 unless you've collected the previous two discs. The order of which you collect the discs doesn't matter.

At the end of the Haze Lab, next to the Super Chip.

Figurine Information Location
Aphid Statue
Aphid Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Aphid Statue

In the Hedge Lab, in a junction hallway, on a table in the middle of it.
Weevil Statue
Weevil Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Weevil Statue

In the Haze Lab, in the room leading to the door switch full of Haze Fungus, behind two fallen servers leaning on one another.
Koi Statue
Koi Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Koi Statue

In the Pond Lab, in the flooded room that leads to the console that opens the rest of the lab. In the room above the Clay wall, in the left-hand side of the entrance to the room snuggled tightly in the corner.
Mant Statue
Mant Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Mant Statue

In the JavaMatic Storage Facility, in a shelf in the front left room.
Wendell Statue
Wendell Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Wendell Statue

In the Undershed Lab, in the exit hallway that leads to the Woodpile, on a shelf in the small room in the hallway that contains a Workbench.
Yoked Girth Statue
Yoked Girth Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Yoked Girth Statue

In the Black Anthill Lab, in the MIX.R treasure room that requires all MIX.Rs to be completed.
Moldorc Statue
Moldorc Figurine
"A tiny statue worth collecting. Can be recreated at a much larger scale."

Unlocks: Moldorc Statue

In the Mysterious Lab, in the entrance room, hiding behind a computer on the right-most pillar in the right-hand side back of the room.

Hastily Written Note[]

Hastily Written Note Transcript

NO idea what's going on! I woke up with 4 other kids in a giant lawn. I tried to wake them, but they're super zoked out, and honsestly seem better off tucked in that box for now.

All I know is there's little huts with too many computers and not enough snacks, spiders are hunting me, and I need to find us a safe pl

(The rest of the note is torn)

Location Under a destroyed Lean-To, found behind a rock under a section of the porch in-between Rake Rock Point and the tipped paint can.
