Haze Fungus is a node found throughout the Haze, mainly in the clusters of fungus in the biome. When broken, it gives Fungal Growths, making a non-hostile way of harvesting the resource. The player should be cautious of the Creatures around the fungus and the fact that Strange Spores normally grow near the nodes. It requires a Insect Axe to harvest.
They have a rare chance to drop the Fungal Charm.
After sealing the weed canister in the Haze using a Gum Nugget, Haze Fungus will spread to multiple mini-infected zones across the map after a few days. They include:
- Inside the Oak Tree
- The Flower Bed north of the Frankenline
- The Field Station near Trowel Gulch surrounded by Stinkbugs
- Inside the Red Anthill
- Near the group of Stinkbugs near the Red Anthill
- The back of the Billy Hog Tray near the Fallen Oak Branch
- The North-Western-most leg of the Picnic Table
- Inside the Salt Burrow
- On the side of the wall in the Northern Grasslands
- Under the deck of the Shed
- In-between the trash bags in the Upper Grasslands inside a pot
- In the Moldorc Highlands, underneath the small berry bushes
- On the North-Eastern shore of the Koi Pond, by the Field Station.