Spoiler! This article contains potential story spoilers for Grounded.
Lab Outposts are smaller versions of the larger Labs scattered throughout the Backyard. A majority of these outpost are located within the biome that other labs are located in, such as the Hedge or Koi Pond.
The Fallen Outpost is either a fragment of another outpost or a segment of the Hedge Lab that has fallen to the ground of the Hedge corner. The area is infested with Orb Weavers, Orb Weaver Jrs, and Web Sacs, as well as two RUZ.Ts patrolling the outpost. The largest room contains and A Little Exhausted.
Small Outpost A is the second outpost to find along the designated Hedge path. It is located just before the second zipline and is the source of the long red cable. The outpost contains , two Grumble's Granola Bars, Spider Infestation, a random loot chest, and a single dew drop that hangs from the ceiling.
Small Outpost B is the third outpost to find along the designated Hedge path. It is located past the Flingman Flying Disk at the end of the third zipline. The outpost contains , 2 Fiber Bandages, Zip It, a random loot chest, a few Spiderlings and Web Sacs, and a single dew drop that hangs from the ceiling.
Surveyor Outpost A is the first outpost to find along the designated Hedge path. The entrance is located to the left of where the first zipline ends and is marked by the outside of the entrance. The first room contains two RUZ.Ts, Excellent Mustache, Reboot, and a random loot chest. The observation room contains a lever that activates the Resource Surveyors across the yard as well as , a Grumble's Granola Bar, 2 Fiber Bandages, and Re-Reboot.
The Turbine Outpost is located on the western side of the Koi Pond. It appears to have been the source of research on the turbines found in the Pond Depths. The outpost is located by the Sunken Pot and heavily buried in the dirt with only an exposed ceiling and a locked hatch being visible. To gain access to the outpost the player must enter the Depths Mouth and hug the right wall until an interactable hatch is found in the ceiling. The first room contains Pond Research Note, Holidazzle SCA.B, 3 Brittle Marble Shards, 2 Brittle Quartzite Shards, a Sunken Bone, a Koi Fish Scale, and a loot chest. There is a button that opens the door to the next room which only contains a Resource Analyzer and the tunnel that exits to the Koi Pond, forming a connection between the two biomes.
The Berry Outpost is located near the Squirts Carton north of the Eastern Flooded Zone. The entrance is located in a thin crevice in the middle layer of stones in the wall directly east of the carton. To reach it without building, the player has to jump from above and glide into it using a Dandelion Tuft. The door requires a carefully placed Bratburst to open it, as it's very easy for the terrain and door frame to block the explosion. Once inside, the player can find a Pinch Whacker in the trash can on the left, the Rotten Berry Charm in the hallway to the right, and a loot chest containing 5 Supreme Whetstone, 10 Sturdy Whetstone, 5 Supreme Plating, and 10 Sturdy Plating.