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A MIX.R and SUPER MIX.R are structures found throughout the Backyard remaining inaccessible until the player completes the Oak Lab. Players can activate each MIX.R to commence a biome-specific Point Defense event. If a player fails a MIX.R event, it can be repaired using a Repair Tool which will allow players to restart the Point Defense.

Completion of all MIX.Rs and SUPER MIX.Rs are required to unlock a door in Black Anthill Lab and for 100% on the Game Report Card.

How to Use[]

The MIX.R will remain dormant until the player activates it. Once activated, a progress bar labeled "MIX.R Overdrive" and a health bar for the MIX.R will appear. Shortly after, waves of creatures will swarm the area in an attempt to destroy the MIX.R. The Point Defense event ends once the Overdrive bar has completely filled (approx. 4 minutes) or the MIX.R is destroyed. After a successful defense, the MIX.R's glass vessel will shatter and free the Raw Science within it. All players will then be rewarded with the Guard Dog mutation and progress towards higher phases of it. If the bugs manage to destroy a MIX.R it will begin to let off smoke and the bugs will then flee. The player will have to fix it with a repair tool in order to try again. Also the player can't damage the MIX.R in mild difficulty.


Basic MIX.Rs[]

MIX.R Attackers Reward
MIX.R Central Grasslands
Central Grasslands
Raw ScienceRS 2RS 5RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Haze
Raw ScienceRS 2RS 5RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Hedge
Raw ScienceRS 2RS 5RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Upper Grasslands
Northern Grasslands
Raw ScienceRS 2RS 5RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Sandbox

Raw ScienceRS 2RS 5RS 0RS 0

Super MIX.Rs[]

MIX.R Attackers Reward
MIX.R Upper Forest
Upper Grasslands
Raw ScienceRS 5RS 0RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Lawnmower
Upper Grasslands (Under Lawnmower)
Raw ScienceRS 5RS 0RS 0RS 0
MIX.R Moldorc
Moldorc Highlands
Raw ScienceRS 5RS 0RS 0RS 0


Central Grasslands MIX.R[]

Likely the easiest MIX.R, for this one, attackers primarily consist of Red Ants and Lawn Mites. A player with a Red Ant Club, Stinger Spear, or other tier 2 weapons has little to fear with the attack, and can likely complete it without any defenses. If fighting it with weaker weapons, the player may simply need a Stem Wall defense or more. The biggest threat is the Red Soldier Ants, which can quickly destroy the MIX.R without much effort, and must be targeted. Lawn Mites are also prominent due to their long-range jumping. Stabbing damage is paramount to handle all the creatures with ease.

Hedge MIX.R[]

The Hedge MIX.R is much more difficult than the Central MIX.R, likely requiring some basic defense to counter the onslaught of Orb Weavers. However, the Larva can also be deadly if not maintained, as they spawn in large groups that can easily overwhelm basic walls. Any tier 2 weapon is recommended for the attack, as well as a basic defense of Stem Walls or Sturdy Walls.

Haze MIX.R[]

A very hard MIX.R compared to the Hedge MIX.R, this attack consists of an onslaught of infected creatures, each with their own attack that causes trouble. By far the most troublesome creatures are the Infected Mites, who will prioritize their ranged attacks, making defense almost necessary. The Infected Ladybug, Infected Weevils, and especially Infected Larva are also very dangerous due to their destructive nature, being able to destroy both the MIX.R and defenses quickly if unmanaged. A large wall of Palisades or Mushroom Walls if the player has an Oven are recommended. At least level 5 Black Ant Sword or Insect Hammer is recommended to exploit the creatures weaknesses and make the fight much easier. Highly defensive armor like the Ladybug Armor and possibly Spicy Safety is recommended to tank the explosive attacks.

Plugging the Weed Killer in the area is recommended to increase visibility and allow for a stronger helmet than the Gas Mask.

Sandbox MIX.R[]

The Sandbox MIX.R may give the illusion that the attackers can only come from one direction, but that is not true. In this attack, Antlions of clusters from 1-2 will burst out of the ground in about any location. After bursting, they will instantly perform their burrowing attack on the MIX.R, allowing them to cover great distance. This attack can also go under any wall defenses without trouble. The best strategy for this attack is to instantly run to the Antlions to get their attention before they harm the MIX.R. A Black Ant Sword is recommended to exploit Antlions slashing weakness and for quick damage.

Northern Grasslands MIX.R[]

The Northern Grasslands MIX.R is the only attack in which both flying and ground creatures are present, with both Mosquitos and Black Soldier Ants. This means the player needs to focus on both above and below the MIX.R. Using high level defense is almost paramount to make sure that one group of creatures doesn't do enough damage to kill the MIX.R before the other is terminated. As such Mushroom Walls or Palisades are recommended. A Mint Mace can also be used to dispatch of the Mosquitos while a Crow Crossbow with Spicy Arrows or the Spicy Coaltana (if possible), is useful for dealing with the ants.

Lawnmower Super MIX.R[]

The Lawnmower Super MIX.R is likely the easiest Super MIX.R in the game. Due to being located at the back of the Lawnmower, the player has ample defense form the attackers, with them only coming from one direction for the most part. It has the same attackers as the Upper Grasslands Super MIX.R, but with a much better defensive stand. Mushroom Walls are highly suggested, as well as multiple layers or reinforcement of them to keep the ants out. Do be wary that the fire ants tend to spawn very closely to the MIX.R and in large swarms of either all workers or all soldiers. A Mint Mace, Mint Staff, or other highly upgraded mint augmented weapon is recommended to deal with the ants. The worker ants will also run away at low health, and it is recommended to kill them before they can run as once they regen enough health, they will come back at odd directions. Later in the raid, Roly Polys will start to appear. These attackers should be prioritized with heavily upgraded weapons to avoid them from spawning along with the ants. 2 Roly Polys will also spawn at once later in the event, making it much harder. Furthermore, the combat during the MIX.R overload may attract local Tiger Mosquitos, whose patrols come close enough to the Lawnmower to be attracted to combat, may also appear during the MIX.R overload, but the MIX.R does not spawn them, and may attack it.

Upper Grasslands Super MIX.R[]

The Upper Grasslands Super MIX.R is extremely similar to the Lawnmower Super MIX.R, having the same attackers as it, with Fire Worker Ants and Fire Soldier Ants for a majority of the raid. Mushroom Walls are highly suggested, as well as multiple layers or reinforcement of them to keep the ants out. Do be wary that the fire ants tend to spawn very closely to the MIX.R and in large swarms of either all workers or all soldiers. A Mint Mace, Mint Staff, or other highly upgraded mint augmented weapon is recommended to deal with the ants. The worker ants will also run away at low health, and it is recommended to kill them before they can run as once they regen enough health, they will come back in odd directions. Later in the raid, Roly Polys will start to appear. These attackers should be prioritized with heavily upgraded weapons to avoid them from spawning along with the ants. 2 Roly Polys will also spawn at once later in the event, making it much harder. Like with the natural Tiger Mosquito appearances during the Lawnmower Super MIX.R, you may also encounter local Ladybird Larvae during the fight as their patrols are close enough to become attracted to combat, unless you have cleared them prior to the overload.

Moldorc Super MIX.R[]

The Moldorc MIX.R is by far the hardest of the Super MIX.Rs and the MIX.Rs in general. Mushroom Walls and Bur Floors as a ceiling are recommended, as Tiger Mosquitoes will come later in the fight. An easy way to reach the top of the defense is also recommended to get the mosquitos attention. The first few waves are of Ticks. They come in highly clustered bunches and spawn far away, leaving them weak to ranged attacks. A charged shot from a highly upgraded Spicy Staff can or just about one-shot the entire bunch before they get close. After a few Tick attacks, Tiger Mosquitos will attack from the far back of the log wall. Another swarm of Tiger Mosquitos will also spawn from the direction of the Castle Moldorc Playset, this is a swarm of about 8 and can quickly overwhelm the player and their defenses. Getting all their attention and luring them down before they can do damage is recommended, and taking them down with a Fresh weapon. Don't unprioritized the Ticks, however, as large swarms of them can quickly melt a basic Mushroom Wall. Later in the raid, a Green Shield Bug will spawn in the direction of the Castle Moldorc Playset. It is recommended to bring multiple Gas Mask or Gastro Goo to survive the gas. It is not recommended to attack the Green Shield Bug, as its damage can quickly kill the player and its gas will also passively damage the other raiders. Be sure to quickly pick off any Tick clusters and Tiger Mosquitoes until the event ends. Because there is a Small Wasp Hive nearby, it may be prudent to take it and the accompanying Wasps out to avoid aggravating them.
