Grounded Wiki
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Mouthtown is a company present in the world of Grounded, appearing to be one of the largest commercial food distributors, owning many drinks, sodas, candies, and even supplements. Their products appear to be mostly target towards children, with many of their candies having cartoony characters or sketches on the packages. Their logo can be seen on almost all of the discarded food item packages, showing they produce a wide-variety of food-items.

Story-Related Events[]

Mouthtown has been involved in little story events. One event was that Dr. Wendell Tully was able to pitch his Muscle Sprouts he developed in the Pond Dome to the company, though they only came back with the idea of a breakfast cereal out of the food. Wendell saw this as a mocking insult to his Muscle Sprouts, and rejected the offer, saying that BURG.L was able to prepare much more sophisticated meals.

Known Products[]

Alternate Dimensional Products[]

These products appear to be produce by alternate dimension versions of Mouthtown found in New Game+.
