Grounded Wiki
Grounded Wiki

Resources are a variety of items that are primarily used for crafting. Most are called Natural Resources, and can be viewed in the crafting menu when discovered. Most Resources require the use of a tool to collect them from their node; primarily being axes, daggers, hammers, and shovels. And some will need a different tier of tool ranging from tier one to 3. Nearly every resource has a rarity attached to it and can be analyzed to unlock certain crafting recipes.

Material Resources[]

Material Resources are crafted from combining other resources. They are used in more advanced items than their regular counterparts.


Resource Description Recipe
Ash Cement
Ash Cement
An incredibly strong building material.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Building: Ash Cement


2 Charcoal Ash Charcoal Ash
2 Clay Clay
1 Rust Rust

Bug Rubber
Bug Rubber
A handcrafted sludge of sap and carefully milked acid gland that hardens into a makeshift rubber material.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Acid Gland

By Hand

1 Sap Sap
1 Acid Gland Acid Gland

Charcoal Ash
Charcoal Ash
A fine dust made of charcoal. Can be baked into a strong building material..

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Building: Ash Cement

1 EverChar Coal Chunk EverChar Coal Chunk
Crude Rope
Crude Rope
A pliable textile made of interlaced plant fiber useful in crafting.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Plant Fiber

By Hand
3 Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
Spinning Wheel
1 Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
Mushroom Slurry
Mushroom Slurry
A thick paste of blended mushroom bits.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Mushroom, Mushroom Chunk, or Toadstool Chunk or Purchasing Advanced Production Buildings from BURG.L

1 Mushroom Mushroom
1 Mushroom Chunk Mushroom Chunk
1 Toadstool Chunk Toadstool Chunk
Plant Slurry
Plant Slurry
A thick paste of blended plant bits.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Plant Fiber

1 Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
Repair Glue
Repair Glue
This stuff sticks to anything! Can repair armor and weapons that have been upgraded past a certain point.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Glue Masher

Glue Masher
3 Antlion Part Antlion Part
2 Black Ox Part Black Ox Part
5 Bombardier Part Bombardier Part
5 Ladybug Part Ladybug Part
10 Mint Shard Mint Shard
2 Roly Poly Part Roly Poly Part
10 Sour Lump Sour Lump
8 Spider Chunk Spider Chunk
10 Spicy Shard Spicy Shard
6 Stinkbug Part Stinkbug Part
4 Termite Part Termite Part
Spoiled Meat Slurry
Spoiled Meat Slurry
A thick paste of blended spoiled meat.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Spoiled Meat

1 Spoiled Meat Spoiled Meat


Resource Description Recipe
Berry Leather
Berry Leather
A strong textile made from dried berry skin

Unlocked by: Analyzing Berry Chunk

3 Berry Chunk Berry Chunk
Jerky Rack
1 Berry Chunk Berry Chunk
Brittle Plating
Brittle Plating
Brittle material used to upgrade armors.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Smithing Station
Normal: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Brittle Upgrades

Workbench (Finite)
1 Brittle Marble Shard Brittle Marble Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Grub Hide Grub Hide

Brittle Whetstone
Brittle Whetstone
Brittle material used to upgrade weapons.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Smithing Station
Normal: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Brittle Upgrades

Workbench (Finite)
1 Brittle Quartzite Shard Brittle Quartzite Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Larva Spike Larva Spike

DeDuper Jelly
DeDuper Jelly
Agelatinous concentrate of potential effects squeezed from trinkets.

Unlocked by: N/A

Super Duper
1 BURG.L Charm BURG.L Charms
1 Glowbasa Link Glowbasa Link
1 Glowbasa Necklace Glowbasa Necklace
1 Glowbasa Wristband Glowbasa Wristband
1 Infused Axe Infused Weapons
1 Ominent Badge Ominent Badges
1 Science Cone Science Cone
1 Science Crinkle Science Crinkle
1 Science Waffle Science Waffle
Fusion Crystal
Fusion Crystal
A crusty jewel of untold power, created by uncanny fusion of slapping together infused ooze. Can be used to upgrade weapons beyond their natural limits.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Infused Ooze


10 Infused Ooze Infused Ooze
5 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

3 Broodmother Infused Ooze Broodmother Infused Ooze

3 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

2 Mantis Infused Ooze Mantis Infused Ooze
3 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

2 Wasp Queen Infused Ooze Wasp Queen Infused Ooze

3 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

1 Infected Broodmother Infused Ooze Infected Broodmother Infused Ooze

3DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly

Lint Rope
Lint Rope
A strong, sturdy rope put together of various types of lint.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Lint

Spinning Wheel
1 Lint Lint
Mighty Glob
Mighty Glob
A melted collection of sturdy whetstones, shaped into a brickish form. Perfect for imbuing equipment with special properties.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Glob from BURG.L

2 Sturdy Whetstone Sturdy Whetstone
Mighty Jewel
Mighty Jewel
A fusion of supreme whetstones and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties of equipment.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Jewel from BURG.L


2 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
1 Twinkling Shell Twinkling Shell

Mint Glob
Mint Glob
A collection of Ice Caps shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. Perfect for imbuing equipment with special properties.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Globs from BURG.L


2 Mint Shard Mint Shard
1 Sturdy Whetstone Sturdy Whetstone

Mint Jewel
Mint Jewel
A fusion of mint globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties of equipment.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Jewels from BURG.L


2 Mint Shard Mint Shard
1 Twinkling Shell Twinkling Shell
1 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone

Mushroom Brick
Mushroom Brick
A sturdy brick crafted from smelting mushroom slurry.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Mushroom Slurry or Purchasing Advanced Production Buildings from BURG.L

5 Mushroom Brick Mushroom Brick
Pupa Leather
Pupa Leather
Dried Pupa hide.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Pupa Hide

5 Pupa Hide Pupa Hide
Jerky Rack
1 Pupa Hide Pupa Hide
Salt Glob
Salt Glob
A melted collection of salt shards, shaped into a brickish form. Perfect for imbuing equipment with special properties.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Globs from BURG.L


3 Salt Shard Salt Shard
1 Sturdy Whetstone Sturdy Whetstone

Salty Jewel
Salty Jewel
A fusion of salt globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties of equipment.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Jewels from BURG.L


3 Salt Shard Salt Shard
1 Twinkling Shell Twinkling Shell
1 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone

Silk Rope
Silk Rope
A spool of web fibers spun into a length of strong durable rope.

Unlocked by: Analyzing Web Fiber

Spinning Wheel
1 Web Fiber Web Fiber
Sour Glob
Sour Glob
A collection of Wormhole shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. Perfect for imbuing equipment with special properties.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Globs from BURG.L


2 Sour Lump Sour Lump
1 Sturdy Whetstone Sturdy Whetstone

Sour Jewel
Sour Jewel
A fusion of sour globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties of equipment.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Jewels from BURG.L


2 Sour Lump Sour Lump
1 Twinkling Shell Twinkling Shell
1 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone

Spicy Glob
Spicy Glob
A collection of spicy shards, baked and formed into a cubular glob. Perfect for imbuing equipment with special properties.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Globs from BURG.L


2 Spicy Shard Spicy Shard
1 Sturdy Whetstone Sturdy Whetstone

Spicy Jewel
Spicy Jewel
A fusion of spicy globs and twinkling shells. Further unlocks the special properties of equipment.

Unlocked by: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Flavored Jewels from BURG.L


2 Spicy Shard Spicy Shard
1 Twinkling Shell Twinkling Shell
1 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone

Sturdy Plating
Sturdy Plating
Sturdy material used to upgrade armors even further.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Glob
Normal: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Sturdy Upgrades

Workbench (Finite)
1 Sturdy Marble Shard Sturdy Marble Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Ladybug Part Ladybug Part

Sturdy Whetstone
Sturdy Whetstone
Sturdy material used to upgrade weapons even further.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Glob
Normal: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Sturdy Upgrades

Workbench (Finite)
1 Sturdy Quartzite Shard Sturdy Quartzite Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Spider Fang Spider Fang

Supreme Plating
Supreme Plating
Supreme material used to upgrade armors to near perfection.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Jewel
Normal: Discovering Ominent Data Disk

Workbench (Finite)
1 Supreme Marble Shard Supreme Marble Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Ladybird Shell Ladybird Shell

Supreme Whetstone
Supreme Whetstone
Supreme material used to upgrade weapons to near perfection.

Unlocked by:
Finite: Purchasing Advanced Smithing: Mighty Jewel
Normal: Discovering Ominent Data Disk

Workbench (Finite)
1 Supreme Quartzite Shard Supreme Quartzite Shard
Workbench (Normal)

1 Sap Sap
1 Black Ox Horn Black Ox Horn

Natural Resources[]

Environmental Resources[]

Environmental Resources are resources obtained directly from the environment such as on the ground or from chopping and busting nodes.


Resource Description Obtained From Locations
Acorn Bits
Acorn Bits
Edible morsels of an acorn for use in snacks. Acorn
Acorn Shell
Acorn Shell
A hard, hollow shell useful for construction. Acorn
Acorn Top
Acorn Top
A hollow acorn cap used in construction. Acorn
A squishy strip of an edible aquatic plant. Restores a small amount of hunger. Rocks in the Koi Pond
Apple Bits
Apple Bits
Tiny bits of Marmotcrisp apple. A satisfying snack that restores a fair amount of hunger. Ants harvesting Apples or Apples
Berry Chunk
Berry Chunk
A plump slice of purple hedge berry. Its skin is both strong and luxurious. Berry
Billy Hog Bite
Billy Hog Bite
A moist n' meaty Get N' Jet Billy Hog morsel. Quick Billy's signature 50 cent roller grill hot dogs are never fresh, but always fine. Plates on the Picnic Table or ants harvesting Billy Hogs
Burnt Toast
Burnt Toast
Toast that turns into ash in your mouth. Around the REMIX.R and Kid Case during New Game+
Candy Cornlet
Candy Cornlet
An autumn hued hunk of one of the world’s worst candies that someone rightfully discarded. Candy Corn, Easter Egg, or under Holiday Trees
During Halloween
Deliciously smooth and dangerously easy to eat. Chocolate Leprechaun's Loot, Chocolate Smoochies, and Easter Eggs
Soft, wet dirt clumps that hold form. Clay (Node)
Clover Leaf
Clover Leaf
Single leaf from the top of a clover. Clover
Cookie Sandwich Bits
Cookie Sandwich Bits
Chunks of a cookie sandwich. Most people think the filling is the best part, but they’re wrong. Ants harvesting Cookie Sandwichs
Crispy Toast
Crispy Toast
Toast that's been left in a toaster for a bit too long. Around the REMIX.R and Kid Case during New Game+
Donut Chunk
Donut Chunk
A piece of a sugar filled donut. Looks brand new, but it could be ancient. Ants harvesting Donuts
Dry Grass Chunk
Dry Grass Chunk
Dried, brittle fiber harvested from dry grass. Dry Grass
Eelgrass Strand
Eelgrass Strand
A long strip of hydrophobic eelgrass useful for binding things used in water. Eelgrass
Flower Petal
Flower Petal
A soft petal from one of the yard's flowers. Smells like grandma. Hosta Plant
Fresh Apple Bits
Fresh Apple Bits
Tiny bits of Marmotcrisp apple. A satisfying snack that restores a fair amount of hunger. Apple
Fresh Billy Hog Bite
Fresh Billy Hog Bite
A moist n' meaty Get N' Jet Billy Hog morsel. Quick Billy's signature 50 cent roller grill hot dogs are never fresh, but always fine. Billy Hog
Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits
Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits
Chunks of a cookie sandwich. Most people think the filling is the best part, but they’re wrong. Cookie Sandwich
Fresh Donut Chunk
Fresh Donut Chunk
A piece of a sugar filled donut. Looks brand new, but it could be ancient. Donuts
Grass Plank
Grass Plank
Broad, flexible plank perfect for fortifications. Acquired by chopping down grass with an axe. Grass
Grass Seeds
Grass Seeds
Basic seeds used to grow grass. Laying on the ground in the Upper Grasslands
Grumble's Granola Bar
Grumble's Granola Bar
Packed with nuts, raisins, and honey. A sweet and savory reminder of how life used to be. Restores a large amount of hunger. inside labs
Lilypad Wax
Lilypad Wax
A nodule of wax collected from a flowering lilypad. Can be used as a strong waterproof bonding material. Under lilypads
Muscle Sprout
Muscle Sprout
An edible hybrid brussels sprout. Chewy muscle flaps, ripe and flexed. Restores hunger when eaten, but also causes pain. Sprouts giveth and sprouts taketh away. A garden in the Pond Lab
Edible fungus that restores a small amount of hunger. Around larger mushrooms
Mushroom Chunk
Mushroom Chunk
A big piece from a large mushroom. Too strange to eat but just right for grinding. Mushroom (Node)
Sweet and edible crafting resource. Restores a small amount of hunger. On the stems of flowers Flower Bed
A nugget of hard-packed pebble dust. Not very good as a handheld tool, but can stun on impact when thrown. Pebbles or on the ground
Perfect Toast
Perfect Toast
The epitome of toast preparation. Around the REMIX.R
Plant Fiber
Plant Fiber
Bundle of plant fibers. A flexible resource for weaving and binding. Grass, Bur Weed Stumps, Dandelion Stumps, Husky Weed Stumps, on the ground, or Easter Eggs
Flower discharge that bees go nuts over. Flowering Dandelions or the legs of Bees
Pond Moss
Pond Moss
Strangely delicious moss found at the bottom of a pond. Pond Moss (Node) or Spiny Water Fleas
Pupa Hide
Pupa Hide
Sleek and moveable hide from a Pupa. A little too moist to utilize. Pupa
Rainbow Chocolate Chunk
Rainbow Chocolate Chunk
A chunk of holiday chocolate used to craft wonderfully thematic items. Chocolate Leprechaun's Loot
Rotten Red Ant Club Rotten Bee Face Mask Rotten Bee Shin Guards Rotten Bee Shoulder Pads Crusty Roly Poly Breastplate Crusty Roly Poly Helmet Crusty Roly Poly Legplates Rotten Fin Flops Rotten Slime LanternRotten Stinger SpearRotten Larva Blade
Rotten Equipment
Varies Varies Varies
Rotten Food
Rotten Food
A once delicious food rotten beyond recognition. No longer edible, but probably has some other use. Apple, Billy Hog, Meals Spoiling, Rotten Apple, Rotten Billy Hog, Rotten Donut, Chocolate Leprechaun's Loot, or Chocolate Smoochies
Salt Shard
Salt Shard
A clean piece of salt that's surprisingly sharp. Shouldn't be eaten by itself, but it's a great flavor enchantment ingredient in meals. Buried Treasure, Salt Cluster, or under Holiday Trees
A combustible, sticky goo that oozes from roots and fallen branches. Sap Clump or fallen branches
Slime Mold Stalk
Slime Mold Stalk
A glowing mold found underground. Can probably be used as a light source. Clusters on cave walls
Smoochies Chunk
Smoochies Chunk
A chunk of holiday chocolate used to craft wonderfully thematic items. Chocolate Smoochies
Spoiled Meat
Spoiled Meat
Meat that has rotted. Probably shouldn't eat it, but maybe it has some other use. Billy Hog, Raw Meat Spoiling, or Rotten Billy Hog
A light, supple sprout for crafting and construction. The ground
Thistle Needle
Thistle Needle
A pointy barb from a thistle plant. Thistle Plant
Toadstool Chunk
Toadstool Chunk
A big piece from a large mushroom. Too strange to eat but just right for grinding. Toadstool
Weed Stem
Weed Stem
A large, sturdy building resourced from felled dandelions and other stubborn growths. Bur Weed, Dandelion, and Husky Weed


Resource Description Obtained From Locations
Brittle Marble Shard
Brittle Marble Shard
A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor. Brittle Marble, Sturdy Marble, or Supreme Marble
Brittle Quartzite Shard
Brittle Quartzite Shard
A nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons. Brittle Quartzite, Sturdy Quartzite, or Supreme Quartzite
An assortment of lint in various states. Very useful if woven together. Lint Clump
Mint Shard
Mint Shard
A piece of breath freshening mint. Much more filling at this size. Buried Treasure, Fresh Mints, Easter Eggs, or under Holiday Trees
Pinecone Piece
Pinecone Piece
Structurally sound piece of a pinecone. Pinecone
A fleck of oxidized metal found mostly on metal that's exposed to the elements. This yard is rich in bacterium, so items crafted with this may be infectious. Rust (Node)
Spiky Bur
Spiky Bur
The iconic spike ball that lives atop many prickly weeds. Bur Weed
After Sealing the Weed Killer
Sturdy Marble Shard
Sturdy Marble Shard
A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor. Better than the normal ones. Sturdy Marble or Supreme Marble
Sturdy Quartzite Shard
Sturdy Quartzite Shard
A cool looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons. Better than the normal ones. Sturdy Quartzite or Supreme Quartzite
Sunken Bone
Sunken Bone
A splinter of bone harvested from the remains of a creature that died in the pond. Weathered and strengthened by currents and chemicals, It's an exceptional material for strong gear. Buried Treasure or Sunken Bone (Node)
Supreme Marble Shard
Supreme Marble Shard
A rad looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading armor. More boss than the cool ones. Supreme Marble
Supreme Quartzite Shard
Supreme Quartzite Shard
A rad looking nugget that seems useful for one thing: upgrading weapons. More tubular than the cool ones. Supreme Quartzite
A somewhat grotesque, yet admittedly strong and sharp shard of a toenail clipping. Toenail (Node)
Wasp Paper
Wasp Paper
The thin and delicate mesh that makes up a wasp hive. Small Wasp Hive
Wooden Splinter
Wooden Splinter
A very sharp splinter harvested from a chunk of wood. Splinter


Resource Description Obtained From Locations
Crow Feather Piece
Crow Feather Piece
A wisp of a crow's jet black feather. A dark omen from the harbinger of death that soars above. Crow Feather or Buried Treasure
EverChar Coal Chunk
EverChar Coal Chunk
A hunk of EverChar brand everburning charcoal. Stays piping hot and is perfect for constructing an oven. Charcoal or under Holiday Trees
Gunpowder Clump
Gunpowder Clump
Stable but deadly pile of gunpowder. Pop Cap
Gum Nugget
Gum Nugget
A petrified wad stronger than most metals. Can be used in spectacular crafts and enhancing smoothies. Buried Treasure or Chewed Gum
Koi Fish Scale
Koi Fish Scale
A shiny scale from the koi fish. Sturdy and reliable, this scale can be used to craft protective equipment. Koi Fish or Muddy Scales
Sour Lump
Sour Lump
A mouth-puckering lump from a Wormhole sour candy. Sour Candy, Easter Eggs, or under Holiday Trees
Spicy Shard
Spicy Shard
A fiery splinter from a Hot Chachas candy. Buried Treasure, Spicy Candy, Easter Eggs, or under Holiday Trees.

Creature Resources[]

Creature Resources are resources obtained from looting killed Creatures, or are produced directly by said creatures.


Resource Description Obtained From
Acid Gland
Acid Gland
A gooey gland for use in crafting.
Antlion Part
Antlion Part
Unidentifiable part of an antlion.
Aphid Honeydew
Aphid Honeydew
A sweet secretion from aphids that restores a small amount of thirst.
Bee Fuzz
Bee Fuzz
High quality fuzz in iconic black and yellow colors.
Black Ant Head
Black Ant Head
The entire head of a black ant. Surprisingly intact.
Black Ant Mandibles
Black Ant Mandibles
The seemingly indestructible pincers of a black soldier ant.
Black Ant Part
Black Ant Part
Thick chunks of black ant that seem very strong.
Black Ox Part
Black Ox Part
Sturdy Black Ox Beetle bits that can be used for all sorts of stuff.
Bombardier Part
Bombardier Part
Strong bombardier beetle bits suitable for a variety of powerful crafts.
Diving Bell Spider Chunk
Diving Bell Spider Chunk
An ambiguous chunk of an aquatic spider.
Dust Mite Fuzz
Dust Mite Fuzz
Crusty fuzz from fiber-dwelling dust mites.
Fire Ant Head
Fire Ant Head
The entire head of a fire ant.
Fire Ant Mandibles
Fire Ant Mandibles
The seemingly indestructible pincers of a fire soldier ant.
Fire Ant Part
Fire Ant Part
Thick chunks of fire ant that seem very strong.
Fungal Growth
Fungal Growth
Incredibly unstable chunk of fungus.
Glow Goo
Glow Goo
The mysterious juices that allow fireflies to glow.
Gnat Fuzz
Gnat Fuzz
Dull grey hairs taken from a gnat.
Grub Hide
Grub Hide
Plush, warm skin harvested from a common grub.
Grub Sludge
Grub Sludge
Mysterious goo excreted from grubs.
Iridescent Scale
Iridescent Scale
A beautiful scale taken from a firefly that makes a strong, pliable resource for crafting.
Ladybug Part
Ladybug Part
Iconic red and black piece of a ladybug. Beautiful and tough.
Ladybird Shell
Ladybird Shell
The nearly impenetrable shell of an aggressive ladybird.
Larva Spike
Larva Spike
A sharp, dangly appendage taken from the corpse of a disgusting larva.
Mite Fuzz
Mite Fuzz
Vibrant red hairs taken from a mite.
Mosquito Beak
Mosquito Beak
The thin, sharp beak of a mosquito. Seems like it could penetrate almost anything.
Pet Memorial Aphid Pet Memorial Gnat Pet Memorial Weevil
Pet Memorials
A solemn reminder of your beloved companion.
Mosquito Blood Sack
Mosquito Blood Sack
A mosquito’s blood filled rump.
Raw Aphid Meat
Raw Aphid Meat
A whole raw aphid. A bad idea to eat uncooked, but the potential for a plump roast is undeniable.
Raw Gnat Meat
Raw Gnat Meat
Greasy meat from a gnat. Eating this raw isn't a good idea, but this fatty cut suggests it will crisp up nice over a flame.
Raw Grub Meat
Raw Grub Meat
Raw goopy meat from a grub worm. Don't eat it without some kind of preparation.
Raw Tadpole Meat
Raw Tadpole Meat
Juicy chunk from a tadpole that will make you sick if eaten raw, but can be cooked.
Raw Weevil Meat
Raw Weevil Meat

Raw meat from a mushroom hunting weevil. The deep color and wafts of fresh fungi promise a snack packing an umami punch, but don't eat it raw.

Red Ant Part
Red Ant Part
Sturdy chunks of red ant that seem useful in a variety of crafts.
Roly Poly Part
Roly Poly Part
An unidentifiable piece of a roly poly.
Spider Chunk
Spider Chunk
A durable but ambiguous hunk of spider.
Stinkbug Part
Stinkbug Part
An unidentifiable piece of a stinkbug. Can be used in various crafting recipes.
Tiger Mosquito Beak
Tiger Mosquito Beak
The deadliest of beaks. Can be crafted in to the sharpest of rapiers.
Termite Part
Termite Part
An oozing, strong lump of a fallen termite.
Tough Gunk
Tough Gunk
A strong elastic goop that oozes exclusively from the tough creatures of the upper yard.
Water Boatman Fin
Water Boatman Fin
A fin harvested from the wing cover of a water boatman. Broad, flat, possibly edible.
Water Flea Meat
Water Flea Meat
A large chunk of a water flea. Seems edible, but could probably be used for something else.
Web Fiber
Web Fiber
Strong strands of sticky, springy spider silk.
Weevil Nose
Weevil Nose
A fully intact weevil snooter-mouth.
Wasp Queen Wing
Wasp Queen Wing
The wing of the once ruler of the Brawny Boy bin.


Resource Description Obtained From
Antlion Pincer
Antlion Pincer
Sharp and deadly appendage of an antlion.
Bee Stinger
Bee Stinger
A long and sharp stabby bit from a bee.
Boiling Gland
Boiling Gland
The part of the bombardier beetle that can instantly boil liquids. Doesn't actually explode.
Broodmother Infused Ooze
Broodmother Infused Ooze
A mysterious sludge found inside powerful foes that becomes crystallized as it's slapped together into a large volume.
Black Ant Egg
Black Ant Egg
A ripe black ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. Keep insect eggs from hatching by destroying them at the source or trashing them once picked up.
Black Ox Horn
Black Ox Horn
The deadly and durable horn of a Black Ox Beetle.
Fire Ant Egg
Fire Ant Egg
A ripe fire ant egg that can hatch if left to sit.
Green Shield Bug Parts
Green Shield Bug Parts
An unidentifiable piece of a Green Shield Bug.
Infected Broodmother Infused Ooze
Infected Broodmother Infused Ooze
A mysterious sludge found inside powerful foes that becomes crystallized as it's slapped together into a large volume.
Infused Ooze
Infused Ooze
A non-Newtonian sludge found in average foes that become crystalized the more it's kneaded and slapped together into a larger volume.
Ladybug Head
Ladybug Head
Fully intact, tough and glistening head of a ladybug.
Mantis Infused Ooze
Mantis Infused Ooze
A mysterious sludge found inside powerful foes that becomes crystallized as it's slapped together into a large volume.
Moth Fuzz
Moth Fuzz
Heavily insulating fuzz of a moth.
Moth Scale
Moth Scale
The razor sharp scale of a moth.
Red Ant Egg
Red Ant Egg
A ripe red ant egg that can hatch if left to sit. Keep insect eggs from hatching by destroying them at the source or trashing them once picked up.
Red Ant Head
Red Ant Head
The entire head of a red ant. Surprisingly intact.
Red Ant Mandibles
Red Ant Mandibles
The powerful pincers of a red soldier ant.
Roly Poly Shell
Roly Poly Shell
An impenetrable shell of a roly poly.
Spider Fang
Spider Fang
A delicate but razor-sharp fang of a wolf spider. Handling it sends a chill down your tiny spine.
Spider Venom
Spider Venom
Venom taken straight from a spider's gland... thing. Extremely toxic.
Stinkbug Gas Sack
Stinkbug Gas Sack
The mysterious body part that creates all of the dangerous and foul smelling gas of the stinkbug.
Termite Chompers
Termite Chompers
Durable, wood-chomping mandible from a dead termite.
Tick Fang
Tick Fang
The deadly sharp fang of a tick.
Wasp Leg
Wasp Leg
Flexible leg of a wasp.
Wasp Queen Infused Ooze
Wasp Queen Infused Ooze
A mysterious sludge found inside powerful foes that becomes crystallized as it's slapped together into a large volume.
Wasp Shell
Wasp Shell
The hard exterior plating of a wasp.


Resource Description Obtained From
Black Ant Queen Chunk
Black Ant Queen Chunk
An unidentifiable chunk of the black ant queen.
Black Ant Queen Head
Black Ant Queen Head
The iconic head of the black ant queen.
Black Ant Queen Pheromone
Black Ant Queen Pheromone
A pheromone gem from the black ant queen.
Black Widow Fang
Black Widow Fang
An impossibly sharp fang of a legendary black widow spider.
Broodmother Chunk
Broodmother Chunk
An unidentifiable piece of the demonic mother spider.
Broodmother Fang
Broodmother Fang
An extremely deadly fang of the demonic mother spider.
Broodmother Venom
Broodmother Venom
Shockingly potent venom from the demonic mother spider.
Fire Ant Queen Chunk
Fire Ant Queen Chunk
An unidentifiable chunk of the fire ant queen.
Fire Ant Queen Head
Fire Ant Queen Head
The iconic head of the fire ant queen.
Fire Ant Queen Pheromone
Fire Ant Queen Pheromone
A pheromone gem from the fire ant queen.
Infected Ant Head
Infected Ant Head
A fully intact head of an infected ant.
Infected Ant Mandibles
Infected Ant Mandibles
The devastating mandibles of an infected ant.
Infected Ant Part
Infected Ant Part
An unidentifiable chunk of an infected ant.
Infected Chunk
Infected Chunk
An unidentifiable piece from the infected version of the demonic mother spider.
Infected Fang
Infected Fang
An extremely deadly fang from the infected version of a the demonic mother spider.
Infected Venom
Infected Venom
The shockingly potent venom from the infected version of a the demonic mother spider.
Mantis Claw
Mantis Claw
A massive, majestic claw from the fallen mantis.
Mantis Chunk
Mantis Chunk
Lump, beautiful bits from a fallen mantis.
Mantis Head
Mantis Head
The curious but lovely noggin of a fallen mantis.
Red Ant Queen Chunk
Red Ant Queen Chunk
An unidentifiable chunk of the red ant queen.
Red Ant Queen Head
Red Ant Queen Head
The iconic head of the red ant queen.
Red Ant Queen Pheromone
Red Ant Queen Pheromone
A pheromone gem from the red ant queen.
Super Stink Sack
Super Stink Sack
An incredibly potent sack of stink harvested from a formidable foe.
Super Spider Venom
Super Spider Venom
Spider venom so potent that it could kill almost anything.
Termite King Carapace
Termite King Carapace
The hard outer shell of the Termite King.
Twinkling Shell
Twinkling Shell
A wondrously iridescent shell that can be combined with items to bring out hidden power.
Wasp Queen Chunk
Wasp Queen Chunk
The chunk of the once ruler of the Brawny Boy bin.
Wasp Queen Head
Wasp Queen Head
The head of the once ruler of the Brawny Boy bin.

Other Resources[]

Other Resources are resources that cannot be categorized into other categories, most include prepared food such as jerky and cooked foods.

Resource Description Obtained From
Aphid Jerky
Aphid Jerky
Dried aphid meat that has been preserved as jerky. No longer at risk of spoiling. Drying Raw Aphid Meat
Aphid Roast
Aphid Roast
A juicy roasted aphid. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger. Cooking Raw Aphid Meat
Cooked Tadpole Meat
Cooked Tadpole Meat
Cooked slab of tadpole meat bursting with savory juices. Quite a snack. Cooking Raw Tadpole Meat
Dew Drop
Dew Drop
Pure bubble of water.
Gnat Jerky
Gnat Jerky
A grungy morsel of gnat meat preserved in jerky form. No longer at risk of spoiling. Drying Raw Gnat Meat
Gnat Roast
Gnat Roast
Roasted and delicious meat of a gnat. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger. Cooking Raw Gnat Meat
Grub Jerky
Grub Jerky
Sinewy strips of pale grub meat that has been dried into jerky. No longer at risk of spoiling. Drying Raw Grub Meat
Grub Roast
Grub Roast
Roasted and delicious meat of a grub. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger. Cooking Raw Grub Meat
Juice Drop
Juice Drop
Old and sticky, but still moderately restores your thirst. Juice Boxes
Soda Drop
Soda Drop
Old and sticky, but still moderately restores your thirst. Soda Cans
Tadpole Jerky
Tadpole Jerky
Tender strips of tadpole meat that have dried and turned into jerky. No longer at risk of spoiling. Drying Raw Tadpole Meat
Water Flea Jerky
Water Flea Jerky
Dried chunk of water flea. Will no longer spoil, but also devoid of juice. Drying Water Flea Meat
Water Flea Roast
Water Flea Roast
Cooked chunk of a water flea. Not as juicy as it is raw, but much more delicious. Cooking Water Flea Meat
Weevil Jerky
Weevil Jerky
A tough strip of weevil meat that has been preserved as jerky. No longer at risk of spoiling. Drying Raw Weevil Meat
Weevil Roast
Weevil Roast
Roasted and delicious meat of a weevil. Slows & restores a large amount of hunger. Cooking Raw Weevil Meat
