Grounded Wiki

Spicy Candy is a rarer resource node located in some sparse areas such as the depths of some Antlion Burrows or under some trash in the tipped can in the Trash Heap. They can also be obtained from Buried Treasure and are sometimes replaced with Fresh Mints in the spots they can be dug. These candies are branded "Hot Cha Chas." They can also be found near Hot Chachas Candy candy boxes found scattered in upper yard. When busted, they give Spicy Shards which can be used in Spicy Globs for upgrading or can be eaten for the Spicy Safety mutation.

In New Game+, Spicy Candy variants have a chance to replace the spawns of Fresh Mints and Sour Candy, with "Heck Mans" replacing Fresh Mints and "Spiceitopes" replacing Sour Candy. These Spicy Candy have the same drops, though Spiceitopes require a Black Ox Hammer to harvest due to replacing Sour Candy

They have a rare chance to drop the Spectacular Spicy Shard.
