Grounded Wiki

The Supreme Plating is a Material Resource used in upgrading armors from level 8-9. Its finite recipe, made from Supreme Marble Shards, can be unlocked after finding the Stump Chip and buying the recipe for Mighty Jewels, but its renewable recipe is locked fairly late in the game by retrieving the Ominent Data Disk from defeating Director Schmector.


Item Materials Station
Supreme Plating
Supreme Plating
1 Supreme Marble Shard Supreme Marble Shard
Item Materials Station
Supreme Plating
Supreme Plating
1 Sap Sap
1 Ladybird Shell Ladybird Shell


Storage & Utilites[]


Item Materials Station
Yoking Station
Yoking Station
5 Supreme Whetstone Supreme Whetstone
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
5 DeDuper Jelly DeDuper Jelly
1 Broodmother Infused Ooze Broodmother Infused Ooze
Crafted in World



Item Materials Station
Mant Statue
Mant Statue
5 Brittle Plating Brittle Plating
5 Sturdy Plating Sturdy Plating
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
Crafted in World
Item Materials Station
Moldorc Statue
Moldorc Statue
5 Brittle Plating Brittle Plating
5 Sturdy Plating Sturdy Plating
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
Crafted in World
Item Materials Station
Wendell Statue
Wendell Statue
5 Brittle Plating Brittle Plating
5 Sturdy Plating Sturdy Plating
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
Crafted in World
Item Materials Station
Yoked Girth Statue
Yoked Girth Statue
5 Brittle Plating Brittle Plating
5 Sturdy Plating Sturdy Plating
5 Supreme Plating Supreme Plating
Crafted in World
