Grounded Wiki
Grounded Wiki

PlayerIconMax "With a bigger termite comes bigger chompers."
PlayerIconMax "With a bigger termite comes bigger chompers."

PlayerIconPete "At the Termite King's command was an unnumbered legion of soldiers, starved for battle, plunder, and to raze the structures of their enemies."
PlayerIconPete "At the Termite King's command was an unnumbered legion of soldiers, starved for battle, plunder, and to raze the structures of their enemies."

PlayerIconWillow "I told you! I am not actually a branch. It's just my name! I am not good for eating!"
PlayerIconWillow "I told you! I am not actually a branch. It's just my name! I am not good for eating!"

PlayerIconHoops "Seriously, what's a termite have to fight over?"
PlayerIconHoops "Seriously, what's a termite have to fight over?"

Termite Soldiers are stronger versions of the Termite Workers that mainly inhabit the deeper corridors of the Termite Den, but can be found in other areas like the Undershed. They are very deadly and also come in swarms with other soldiers and termites.


Termite Soldiers wander the halls of the Termite Dens for intruders. They never leave their burrows and, along with this, will every now and then stop and eat the walls and floor of their den, but this has no effect in-game. They have the same bites as ants and Termites, but instead of having the spit, they will kick up dirt that will decrease attack and movement speed.

Interactions With Player[]

Termite Soldiers are aggressive to the player and will simply attack them on sight. They can attack the player with a simple bite or throw a dust cloud into the air that reduces the player's movement and attack speed.

Interactions With Other Creatures[]

Despite being similar to Red Soldier Ant and Black Soldier Ant, they are passive to most creatures and will let them enter the burrow as needed. They will defend themselves as needed but are always passive to Termites Workers and Termite Kings.

Advanced Loot Table[]

This is a more advanced covering of the loot-table of Termite Soldier. Each item has an independent chance and count, in which the chance is the chance it can drop and the count is the amount of items that have that chance. If a count larger than 1 is in one section, then each item has an independent chance from one another (EX: Instead of getting say 2 of a resource, you can get 1 with a 70% chance and another with an additional 70% chance). In terms of Stealing, it can take one item from every section of the loot table, so even if a item count is say 5, the player will only steal one from that section.

Creature Loot Tables also tend to have large amounts of 1% items, which is intended to make stealing more rare items harder, as the player is more likely to steal the large amounts of 1% items than a singular 50% item.

Note: For consistency sake, all duplicate categories have a multiplier next to them, but function as unique loot types when say using Stealing.


Item Count Chance Additional Info
Science Cone Science Cone 1 10% New Game+3
Science Waffle Science Waffle 1 10% New Game+2
Termite Chompers Termite Chompers 1 100% -
Termite Chompers Termite Chompers 1 50% -
Termite Chompers Termite Chompers 1 1% -
Termite Part Termite Part 3 75% -
Termite Part Termite Part x3 1 1% -
Tough Gunk Tough Gunk 1 25% -

Raid Variant[]

Item Count Chance
Termite Chompers Termite Chompers 1 10%
Termite Chompers Termite Chompers 1 10%
Termite Part Termite Part 1 100%
Termite Part Termite Part x2 1 1%


The Termite Soldier commonly comes in groups with other Termite variants, so it is recommended to have tier 3 weapons and tier 2-3 armor. Its bites should be easily blocked, but its dirt should be avoided. The way this can work is by running when it starts digging its head into the ground to avoid its debuffs.

