Grounded Wiki
Grounded Wiki
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The Hedge Lab is the main quest of the Hedge Lab, in which the player needs to find the password for the terminal and unlock a door blocking a power diversion switch.


Reaching The Lab[]

When reaching the lab, the player must progress along the upper branches of the Hedge to reach the upper portions of the lab. Due to the height of both the lab and the branches in the biome, it is recommended to bring a few Dandelion Tufts to reduce the fall damage in the area. To reach the upper branches, the player must go through the Hedge Ascent located in the western part of the biome. They must climb a branch near a paper clip and progress up the Hedge near a Field Station. The player then must progress up the branches and climb on the mushrooms to reach the Apricop Punch-O. The player may encounter some Spiderlings in the area, so be sure to watch your back and kill them as needed. Behind the juice box will be a zipline that will zip across a large portion of the hedge and lead to a small outpost in which the player can drink some dew in the room and continue on the branches. The player then must progress downward to the Flingman Flying Disc, in which an Orb Weaver may be present, so be cautious. Finally, past the disc will be another zipline that will lead to a final outpost that will have a breach in the wall that will lead to a branch that will lead to a final zipline that will lead to an entrance in the lab. It should be noted that if the player falls at any point of the journey, they will have to go back to the beginning and start again.

Finding The Password[]

After attempting to login, they will be granted to find the password to the console, in which they must find multiple torn papers through the lab. After interacting with the console, they will unlock a door that leads to a door blocked by webs that the player must break to open the door. This door will lead to a room with a Resource Analyzer and one Orb Weaver Jr that they must kill to progress. Across the room will be the first scribble that reads “58”. After getting the password, they can go to the lower right section which will have a broken corridor with a zipline blocked by a Berry. It is recommended to shoot the berry or run into it and land on the branch below and hit it with a melee weapon and zip again across. In this room, the player will find the second scribble that reads “-ur”. After getting the scribble, the player can open the webbed door to the left and progress to a junction with multiple hallways. Head for the corridor straight ahead that leads outside and look left to see a small, independent room that holds the password. To reach the room, the player can ride the zipline that enters the room by jumping at it quickly pressing the button the ride the zipline and ride the rest of the way there. In this room the player will obtain a scribble that reads “t19”. After obtain the password, jump to the ground and land on the mushrooms near the entrance of the tree and proceed to the lower entrance of the lab. Progress up the spiraling hallways and kill all the TAYZ.Ts in the area. Once they reach the top, they will reach a storage room and find a zipline that flies over a hatch to a large room, in which the player must fall from the zipline at the right time to land on the hatch. In this room there will be some Spiderlings and the final scribble that reads “y-“. Once you obtain the scribble, go right and continue downwards and break the webbed door and kill the TAYZ.T behind the door then go right and continue forward before reaching the analyzer room and go right again to the terminal room. Login to the terminal in which a door will open that leads to the chip. After obtaining the chip, return to BURG.L and give the chip.
